
Knots & Tie
Knots & Tie
Author: Elizabeth A.

Part One: Knots & Tie

"Strip." He said calmly.

I fidgeted with my hands and stared at the floor avoiding his cold eyes. He made it sound like he requested for a simple act. 

He crossed his legs and rested his hand on his kneel. He smirked. He was having fun watching me broken and helpless. "Don't test my patient. I can assure you that you won't like it when I get angry." He said coldly.

I sobbed and covered my mouth. I felt insulted and humiliated. "Please… Please.. Just—" He took a quick stride and grabbed my hair. I whimpered in pain and sobbed harder.

He yanked it up until I was staring at his cold eyes. "Now listen to me, you do whatever I want or…" He brought out his gun from his back pocket and pressed it under my chin. I flinched and he tightened his hold. "Or you die. You get that?"

I nodded and more tears dropped. 

He smiled and patted my hair. "Then, be a good pet. Okay?"

I gave a quick nod and my body relaxed when he placed his gun into his pocket and walked back to the grand king-size bed.

 He sat down comfortably and watched me kneeling before him.

 "Now Strip." He commanded with so much force.

I slowly stood up, my eyes still concentrating on the floor. I reached for my black silken dress zip and unzipped it. I shut my eyes in shame as it fell from my shoulder onto the floor. My body felt cold. I shuddered and covered my chest with my hands. I stared up and met his dark eyes, still waiting to see more of me. Naked.

 All that remained was my lacy bra and pants. I reached for the hook of my bra, but paused as I touched it. I shivered in humiliation. I couldn't. I couldn't bare myself before him. 

My knee buckled and I fell to the floor. I brought my kneel close to my chest and hugged it tightly. I buried my face in my chest and started to snivel. My entire life flashed through my mind. It was so much different from this horror but I became a victim.

He looked at me sobbing helplessly and stripped before him and he smirked wickedly. “Spread your legs and pleasure yourself."

"I… I can't." My voice cracked. 

I had cried so much that my voice was sagged.

In an instant, he raised my head with the tip of his gun. Its coldness frightened me. "I'm easily irritated, Pretty face. SO PLEASURE YOURSELF NOW."


Part One: Knots & Tie.

‘I am a Victim.’

One dreadful night, I woke up. I was blindfolded with a tie and my hands knotted with thick rope. I was captured by a ruthless Italian-American Mafia. My father owed him a huge amount of money and he was going to get it back by breaking me into pieces until I was completely broken. He was the deadliest, merciless and most handsome man I had ever known and I was his muse for his cruel pleasure.

And in twisted ways...

 I got to like it.

WARNING: This story contains strong language and graphic violence such as rape, torture, and murder. [DON’T READ IT IF YOU FIND THIS DISTURBING.]


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