

After she saw Shelby leave on her bike Carolyn turned back into the office to meet the curious eyes of her partner.

" She is the mystery woman? " Max asked referring to the stunning blonde that was speaking to his partner in front of their room. 

Carolyn didn't answer and just walked back to her seat to begin her work.

" She stunning, " Max commented despite his partner's silence.

Carolyn looked up from the screen of her laptop to her partner. " Don't you have better things to do, other than hoarding me about the woman I am sleeping with? " she asked arching her brow at him.

" Nope, " Max muttered with a wide grin before asking another question since his partner is being secretive on the personal front.

" So what does Quinn want with you? "

Carolyn froze for a second. Thinking about Shelby and her multiple facets had made her forget that she was a suspect in an ongoing murder investigation.

" A guy was murdered at the club

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