
"After all i have done for you"

Abigail's POV


"Oh Henry, look what she did to me." Sobbing uncontrollably, she collapsed to the floor, clutching her cheeks in anguish.

My eyes darted between Henry and the strange blonde-haired witch, I wondered what she was up to.

A moment ago, she had been ready to strike me with all her might, her rage boiling over like a simmering pot. Now, she lay on the floor in a heap, crying as if her heart had been broken. The tables had turned, and I was left wondering what had caused such a drastic shift.

"I never laid a finger on you. Stop putting on this act and get off the floor. You're only making yourself look foolish by lying so blatantly!" I spat out the words, praying that Henry would see through her charade.

Her sobs escalated to a deafening pitch, and she looked at Henry with tear-filled eyes, like a lost puppy pleading for rescue.

"It's unbelievable what this ridiculous woman did to me. I was only trying to show her some affection, to place a gentle hand on her shoulder.
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