
Author: ShakiraLeigh07

Chapter 1-The Desperate Model

Malia Morris P.O.V

I had been struggling to make a name for myself as a freelance model for what felt like an eternity. I received countless rejections, unfulfilled promises, and scams that had become a norm in my life.

But today was different, I received a call from a modeling agency and I couldn't help but feel a spark of hope. It was the Pristine modeling agency and it sounded legitimate on the phone and they mentioned a potential photoshoot for a famous brand.

I could feel my heart skip a beat as I quickly scribbled down the address and time of the meeting. Maybe this could be it, I think this could be my big break. I knew I had to make this work, not just for myself but for my family's sake as well.

My mother had been suffering from pneumonia for two years and the medical bills were piling up. My younger brother was studying in college and I needed to help him pay his tuition. It's so hard to become a breadwinner in our family, I could feel the weight of the world on my shoulders.

After a quick shower and a hasty breakfast, I hailed a taxi cab outside and headed to the agency's location. As I sat in the backseat, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had been growing in my stomach.

Something didn't feel right but I pushed the thought aside and hoped that I was just being paranoid. After a few minutes, the taxi cab pulled up in front of a rundown building and it made my heart sink.

It didn't look like the upscale agency I had imagined. The letters of the sign above the door were even fading and the windows were covered in a thick layer of grime.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of the cab, trying to convince myself that appearances could be deceiving.

As I approached the entrance, a well-dressed man emerged from the building. I guess he's in his mid-40s already.

"Welcome, Malia Morris! I am Coleman Henderson and I'm the agency's director." he introduced himself and I accepted his firm handshake.

"It's a pleasure to be here," I replied.

"We were excited to have someone who perfectly resembles Bianca Wilson. Please, come in." I smiled awkwardly as he led me inside the building. I tried to ignore the musty smell and creaking of the old wooden floorboards.

The interior was just as unimpressive as the exterior with peeling paints and worn-out furniture, but Coleman's demeanor and the camera equipment scattered around the room reassured me that this was a legitimate photo shoot.

The next hour was a blur of posing, smiling, and changing outfits. I was in my element and I felt like a real model for the first time in months. But as the shoot progressed, Coleman's requests became uncomfortable. He was asking me to pose in more revealing outfits.

"Let's try something a bit more revealing. Can you slip into this outfit for me, Malia?" Coleman held up a skimpy lingerie set that made my skin crawl.

"I don't think so. I'm not comfortable with that level of nudity, sir." I replied firmly, with a polite tone.

His expression turned serious, "Come on, Malia. It's just a little risqué and it will be greater for your portfolio. You will stand out from the crowd." he persuaded.

"I don't think that's necessary, I'm here to model clothes, not my body." I pressed. But Coleman wouldn't back down.

"I'm just challenging you if you could make a nude shot. Just one or two and we're finished."

My eyes widened and my anger ignited, "No way! I'm certainly not wearing that thing and I will never never do a nude photoshoot." I convicted.

Coleman smirked as his eyes narrowed. "You're being difficult, Malia. You need to be more open-minded if you want to make it in this industry." he dictated.

"Open-minded? You're asking me to compromise my values and dignity for the sake of a photoshoot. I didn't sign up for this!" I knew I had to stand my ground, no matter how uncomfortable the situation had become.

Also, my instincts screamed at me to get out of here but when I saw him pulling out a gun and pointing it at my head.

I knew I was going to die.

"You're not going anywhere, Malia. You're going to do what I say or you won't be leaving this building alive."

My eyes darted around the room and searched for an escape route but I was trapped. I was at the mercy of these predators and I had no idea how to get out of this nightmare.

"Get your hands off her!"

I turned around and saw a blonde man in a red tuxedo burst inside the room, raising his guns and firing, taking out Coleman and his goons with ease.

My jaw dropped as I watched the scene unfold before my eyes. As the last thug fell to the ground, the man slowly turned to me.

"Are you okay?" he asked in a deep soothing voice, and my eyes locked onto his piercing blue eyes.

My mind was reeling from the sudden turn of events. I just stared at him as my heart was pounding inside my chest.

"Timothee James?" I uttered his name.

He was the CEO of a famous modeling agency in the country. It was my dream to become one of his top models but I know it's impossible because he has a high standard.

"What are you doing here? How did you know I was in trouble? And why had you just saved my life?" I mumbled.

"You're so stupid! You walked right into a lion's den and you almost paid with your life!" he dictated and his expression was stern.

"I-I was just trying to make a living. To earn money and build my career. I didn't know any better." I defended myself.

Timothee raised an eyebrow, "You didn't know any better? That's exactly the problem. You're naive, Malia Morris. But I'm willing to help you if you accept my offer."

I was surprised when he pulled me closer to him, "I'm offering you a big contract with my modeling agency. You'll be one of our top models with a lucrative salary and international exposure."

This sounds crazy, I know there's a catch, I can sense it. "So what's the condition?" I asked.

Timothee's eyes glinted with a hint of mischief, "You'll have to pretend as the model Bianca Wilson."

Wait what?? Disguise as the top model in the industry?? RIDICULOUS.

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