

" Do you not wish to come near me?" She heard Jason ask and immediately shook her head.

" N-no! I mean Yes! I mean..." Paige was confused as to.what to say. It really was happening, Jason was going to claim her as his!

Paige swallowed nervously and decided to take a bold step. She walked slowly and nervously towards Jason until she was standing just a few inches away from him.

Jason rose in his seat, standing in his full length and towering above Paige. This left her appalled and overwhelmed, so much that she couldn't help but let out a nervous gasp.

Jason raised his hands and gently reached to wrap his fingers around Paige's neck. The latter shuddered at the subtle touch and rolled her eyes up feeling the pleasuring sensation wash through her. Paige found herself in a state of ecstasy at that touch alone.

Her heart thrummed faster and faster and she felt it would explode at this rate. So long, it's been so long that she'd fantasized about this moment. And now it was finally happening.

" My my Paige..." She heard a soft whisper near her ears and she couldn't help but flutter her eyes open. Her body shuddered once again and she felt her knees grow weak.

" Just how bold you've grown" Jason leaned in closer and whispered. " To think you'd ask me to take you and own you"

" Or is that what you thought I would say?" Paige s eyes bulged when she felt Jason's grasp on her neck tightened as he growled.

" To think you'd grow the guts to listen in on my conversations with others, and then show it to my face that you've done so and try to manipulate me. Really how bold you've grown to be" Jason snarled.

Ughkkhh! Khhk!

Paige's face contorted as she struggled to breath. She tapped on Jason's fingers that choked her neck, struggling to break free from his grasp.

" You bitch!" Jason roared and threw her by her neck.


" Haaaah! Uhu! Uhu!" Despite having been thrown forcefully by Jason, as soon as she landed Paige coughed and struggled to catch her breath. Tears dropped falling from the corner of her moistened eyes and her whole face burned red.

" Now listen!" Jason raised his chin and looked down condescendingly at Paige as he decreed. " I, Jason Granger, leader and alpha of the Moonblood pack, hereby banish and exile you as a member of my pack..."

" Wha- uhu! Uhu!" Paige exclaimed in disbelief amidst her struggle to catch her breath.

" Never return or I promise that I shall strangle you to death myself...." Jason sneered. " Unless of course, you bring Kyley back to me before the others" Jason added with an evil grin.

Paige stared with a widened gaze at Jason, her gaze shook in fear and panic hearing his words.

She was banished from the pack!

Paige was baffled as to how the sudden turn of event came to be about.

' Where did I go wrong?' She wondered.

At this point, Georgia had returned into the room and just stared between Paige and Jason dumbfoundedly. He has no idea what had happened between them but she could tell that Paige had done something to anger Jason.

" Leave this moment I said!" Jason growled and Paige hurriedly pushed herself up and left in hurried steps. Even Georgia who stood by in the corner couldn't help but shudder at Jason's sudden outroar. However, she only lowered her gaze and kept silent in the corner where she stood.

As she left, Paige looked over her shoulder in fear that Jason would.attack her from behind until she was finally out of the house completely.

" Now... Alphonse" Jason muttered as he slowly returned to his seat.


The day at the Yoldes' palm shelter quite contrasted that of the night. Although the gloomy and depressing atmosphere still remained, the place was much more lively as people moved around and interacted a bit more with one another.

Currently, it was one of the few jolly moments in the shelter. It was lunch time!

Nobody arrived at the shelter with food, and even if any of them did, it's mostly only enough to sustain them for a few days. However, this wasn't as problem as Yoldes' palm's hospitality covered ration of meals for everyone.

Alphonse stood in line with the others in front of the members who were in charge of serving them the afternoon ration. He calmly observed as everyone went to and fro with plates in hand.

' Everyone seems coordinated despite the fact that we're all different people from different backgrounds. Is this how much humble one can be when helpless?"

" Hey, you're standing in my line!"

" What line? Are you blind? I've been here ever since!"

" You're a lying bastard. You just cut in the line right now!"

" Grr! Try me then!"

' But of course, there are outliers...' Alphonse shook his head at the two irrational weres who were arguing as to who cut in line and who didn't. It's obvious that in a situation like this, there would always be those who compete and fought just to gain an extra scrap.

" Hmph!"

Alphonse heard a soft scoff behind him. However, he acted as though he didn't hear a thing from the old man standing in line behind him.

Alphonse had been ignoring the old man ever since he gave him the blanket to sleep with. He'd realized that everyone else were avoiding this man as they couldn't deal with his senile behaviors. Thus, he decided it was better to stay clear of him.

However, he'd found it hard to communicate with anyone as the expression on everyone's faces wasn't exactly friendly. Everyone else in the shelter seemed to have something going on in their minds, and it was obvious that they wanted to be left alone. They weren't here to make friends, they were here for a reason. A lot of things was irritating to most of them already, but they still bared with it since they had no alternative.

Everyone in the shelter were tense and were a tad bit close to erupting. Alphonse could tell.

He didn't want to be the one to fuse the ticking bomb for these refugees to explode.

Although there were those who spoke with one another, it was however either the fact that they were couples or acquaintances. Everyone else remained strangers to the person. So Alphonse knew to not impede others privacy and await for a chance to provide itself.

" Hey you two, quit the fighting right now or face consequences!" One of those in charge of sharing the rations warned the two who were quarrelling. The two immediately stopped and broke off the fight. Everything returned to normal once again, as though the quarrel never happened.

' The way of life in here isn't different from that of a prison. But if course, the system here is perfect to maintain order within beings of our kind.'

The line kept moving once again and soon Alphonse got his meal. It was some sort of soup and a loaf of bread.

Not that Alphonse was complaining, he was fine with it anyway...

Alphonse walked out of the line with his meal in hand and returned to his corner to dig his meal.

The old man got his meal as well and returned to his spot beside Alphonse. The latter didn't mind, he kept his eyes on his meal as he slowly consumed his first meal of the day.

' But what does the Luna stand to gain with all of this?' Alphonse couldn't help but be baffled as to what the purpose of this shelter was.

At first Alphonse had thought that he would have to pay to stay in this shelter, however, it turned out to be that it just wasn't the case. And that puzzled him even more.

' It can't be that I was given a special treatment right?' Alphonse thought with a wry smile. No matter how he thought about it, he just couldn't make sense of the fact that this pack were taking in werewolf refugees for free and have nothing to gain from it.

However, he wondered if that wasn't true. Perhaps, he might have to pay at a later date when leaving.

Alphonse had no idea, and he thought to ask someone about this. However, looking around, there was no one to speak to. None but the old man.

" May I ask you something?" Alphonse said facing the old man a while after. After giving thought to it, Alphonse found himself without a choice but to speak to the old man. If anyone would have an idea about anything in the shelter, it has to be him.

The old man who was busy gobbling his meal looked up and stared at Alphonse with creased gaze for a while before saying. " Look kid, I know I'm supposed to be old and generous but... I'm not giving you my food. But if there's something else, go ahead" the old man sighed and continued with his meal.

Alphonse's face twitched but he calmed himself. " I was wondering if there's some sort of payment to be made for all this later" he asked.

" You're right to think so, but you're wrong. This is a free shelter for everyone." The old man slowly responded. " Of course, I wouldn't say this if I hadn't been in and out of this place for several times" He added.

' I know right, that's why I couldn't help but ask you' Alphonse nodded with a serious expression. Having had his question answered, Alphonse lowered his gaze in thought.

" Then why are they doing this you ask?" The old man said shortly after, resonating Alphonse's thought. " Well you see, it's a lot simpler than you think."

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