
Welcome to my home

In a limo, Alphonse sat opposite Nicole who looked outside the window. He also looked out the window, his gaze distant as he fell deep in thought.

It was still quite awkward for him to speak to Nicole after what had happened. He could tell she felt quite guilty about it but he decided to not intervene and just let her handle things the way she could.

Nicole wasn't any different, it was obvious that she had a lot going on in her mind at the moment.

They both relished harshly in the silence.

" What do you think?" After a long while, Nicole finally broke the silence.

" About?" Alphonse wasn't certain, even though he knew just what she meant.

Nicole looked at Alphonse in silence for a while, then said " My pack" she reclined in her seat.

It was obvious that it wasn't what she'd really meant to ask and had diverted her main question.

Alphonse looked down in thought for a second before raising his gaze once again to respond " I beli you've done a good job. Esoec with the shelter and all."

" Altgough, I believe it'd have even been better if you grew your strength with the new rogues you get every now and then." Alphonse added. He'd thought about this before and could only suggest it now that Nicole was asking.

The strength of a werewolf pack lies in the number of it's members. He didn't understand why Nicole hadn't taken the advantage of the shelter to increase her strength.

Nicole lowered her head and muttered " I never really thought about strength. I only wanted to build a safe home for people like us " she spoke up her ideal towards the end of her sentence.

Alphonse was silent for a second. " Every home should possess a certain quality, however. Protection " He said after some thought. " How could you do that without sufficient strength"

Nicole opened her mouth slightly in shock when she heard this. She cmwas left in awe by the sudden realization as to how she hadn't really thought about what Alphonse had said before.

Nicole felt conflicted. She fell silent and stared down with a gaze full of thought for the longest while.

Just then, they arrived in front of a gate of a mansion. The car drove through the gates and pulled up in front of the mansion.

" We're here." Alphonse was still staring at the garden around when he heard Nicole say. He looked at Nicole and nodded his head seriously.

' She really is rich!' Alphonse couldn't look Nicole the same way he had. The Limousine should have probably been enough reason for him to tell though.

Once they stepped out of the car, Nicole grabbed Alphonse by the hands and took him into the mansion.

Once they got in the main hall, Nicole turned around and pointed.

" Welcome to my home."

" It's marvelous" Alphonse muttered in awe as he looked around the place that seemed specifically designed to impress.

The large space featured high ceilings, sleek and contemporary decor, and a statement chandelier hanging from above all around. The large windows by the side offered a view of the surrounding landscape, ushering in natural light as the luxurious golden curtains were furled. The floor a shiny marble which added an elegant ambiance to the place. Alphonse felt severely insignificant being in the main hall.

" Yeah, it gets lonely sometimes though." Nicole sighed.

Alphonse looked at her and teased with a smile. " You don't bring Yoldes around that much?"

" Oh please ..." Nicole rolled her eyes. It was obvious how she just despised the mention of his name.

' Just how much has she fallen out of love for him.' Alphonse couldn't help but wonder just how long has Nicole been like this. Could it be that Yoldes did something that made her feel this way towards him?

" But thankfully, you're here now." Nicole flashed a knowing smile and said afterwards. " I have a lot of things to discuss with you. But first, let's settle in. I'll get us something to rewind with as we talk. You do as you like" She said and went up the fleet of spiraling stairs.

Alphonse nodded and watched her back until she disappeared. Then, he looked around the place with genuine interest.

' The main hall of this modern mansion is something else' Alphonse wondered at the high ceilings and the grandeur chandeliers that were so fancy that he almost wowed. The light that danced across the wall through the large windows also illuminate d the marble floors in an elegant manner. The sleek furnitures and the luxurious flooring made him feel like he had stepped into a whole new world. It made him take eager steps to explore the spacious hall. Step after step, Alphonse nodded his head in appreciation as he slowly observed the place.

On the far side of the main hall, Alphonse caught sight of a striking portrait hanging on the wall. It was a picture of a middle aged man and a woman.

The middle aged man had black hair with strands of gray and an oblong face. He had a small mustache and a stern expression. The woman shared the same hair color, only that her gray hair were a lot lesser. She has a pretty oval face and a cute yet mature smile. They both exuded elegance and sophistication, dressed in a fine suit and dress- The man in a tailored suit and the woman in a glamorous gown. The portrait captured their confident smiles and the sparkle in their eyes, hinting at a life filled with success and luxury, reflecting their opulent and refined aura that was frozen in time by the camera.

From the way they hugged in the picture and the matching rings on their fingers, one could tell at a glance that they were at least betrothed.

Alphonse found himself walking closer to the picture frame. He stood and observed the facial outline of both couple, finding a striking similitude in their facial features with Nicole's.

" Those are my parents" Alphonse suddenly heard and he couldn't help but turn around.

Nicole stood with a bottle of wine and glasses in hands. She stared at the portrait, her gaze full of reminiscent memories. " Kindred soul. Lost them to an airplane crash." She said with a pitiful smile.

" I'm sorry" Alphonse empathized. He knew just how it feels to be left without one's parents, after all, he was an orphan himself.

Nicole just shook her head and walked to place the wine bottle and glasses down before sitting in one of the sofas.

Alphonse didn't waste time to draw near her and sit by her side. He watched as Nicole poured both of the glasses and thought to say. " I hope it's not spiked this time."

" Hehe!" Nicole chuckled. " Can't blame me. I had to do what I had to do" She said, hinting at the reason why she'd spiked their drink back at Yoldes' palm before.

" I don't think I could've held back either way" Alphonse flirted.

Nicole only smiled and shook her head, chuckling ever so softly. She picked up the glasses after filling them and handed one to Alphonse. " Here you go."

" Thanks"

" So..." Nicole crossed her legs after taking a sip and faced her body to Alphonse as she said. " You still haven't told me much about yourself" she put the glass to her lips and slowly sipped, looking up at Alphonse expectantly.

Alphonse took a glance at his glass after taking a sip, savoring the taste of the red wine as he thought about Nicole's question. He knew she just wanted to have small talks with him. Perhaps, to clear her head and forget about the incident with Yoldes, or make up her mind about something.

Whatever it was, Alphonse didnt know where to start about himself. His past had been nothing but a boring linear sequence of events that he'd never given much detail to.

" Where do I even start?"

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