
Lone wolf

As dusk befell the wilderness, the forest come alive as nocturnal creatures begin their cries and sounds of symphony, adding a mysterious and creepy feel to the surrounding. The air was damp and filled with a sense of vigilance and anticipation, as if the wilderness itself is preparing for the night's adventures.

Tall shadows grew from the root of the huge tall trees in the woods, shading the small river that ran along the banks, covering the water surface in a dark shade.


At the bank of the river that calmly flowed in its stream, a figure could be seen squatting and washing their face. Her long brown curly short hair swept her shoulder blades at every move, highlighting her tall slender figure in a leather jacket worn over a crop top and tight jean and a pair of boots. Her brown iris moved around swiftly with a hint of rage and insecurity.

It was Paige!

After being exiled from the Moonblood pack by Jason, she had been left without a home and a place to stay but to wander about the wilderness. Allbalome to fend for herself as a rogue without a pack.

Of course, she could have left for the town and lived their, or to a different location where she could start a new life but she couldn't accept Jason's decision. She didn't accept the fact that she was kicked out of the Moonblood pack just like that and she planned to put a change to that.

Thus, she headed into the wilderness to find the river which would lead her to her goal.

' As long as I can find that bitch and bring her back to Jason, I can return to the pack...' Paige frowned as she thought, staring at the river that calmly flowed by, unconcerned by her feeling of fury and frustration. That's right, Paige was angry and furious.

She was angry at Kyley.

' Just why do I have to suffer because of her existence!' She didn't know why. Kyley was just a weak and powerless werewolf who happened to be Jason's mate. She had been the reason why Paige couldn't be with Jason for a long while, and she had to watch her be with Jason while she hurted in pain and heartbreak.

However, realizing that Jason had no love for Kyley, she was able to hold on to her love for him. But the damned wretched whore would not leave Jason. Paige hated her for it and she would try her best to threaten her and beat the shit out of her just so she would finally leave Jason.

To her surprise, Kyley still stayed with him. She hated her stubbornness and persistence. It was obvious that Jason didn't love her, so why did she stay? Why did she stay so much to suffer?

It was then that she realized that perhaps, Kyley loved Jason too.

The thought infuriated her and made her even more mad at Kyley. How could she love the same person she loved. Paige merely wanted to strangle Kyley to death!

She had plans to do just that. However, Sam came into the picture.

Now Sam wasn't a mere woman whom she could trifle with. She was a strong cunning and dedicated Luna whom Jason fancied a lot. Paige was once heartbroken and now focused her attention on Sam since Kyley was less of a threat than Sam.

Try as she could, however, Paige couldn't mess with Sam. She was always a step ahead of her. And even worse, she couldn't revert her anger on Kyley as she now had Sam's protection. It was an extremely infuriating situation for Paige that she was starting to crumble mentally and physically.

However, she soon found out a secret about Sam. After monitoring her and following her moves closely. She soon found out about her and Alphonse. She had never been so happy her entire life as an opportunity to end Sam and Jason's relationship had finally revealed itself.

But when she told Jason, he only threatened her and chased her away, telling her to never spout the nonsense to his face again. Paige became hurt and she stopped trying. It was then that she realized Jason had nothing towards her like she thought. Paige realized she meant nothing to Jason.

Due to the fact that Sam and Jason weren't marked mates and hadn't created a bond, he couldn't feel nor sense Sam's betrayal. Or perhaps, he solely refused to believe it.

But nonetheless, He would soon find out when Kyley ran away and Alphonse tried to take his head and become the new alpha of the Moonblood pack.

Paige was surprised at this and after it all ended, she felt pity towards Jason. But since all threats were no longer around, she saw a chance to make her move towards Jason and finally make him see her. But to her surprise, Jason didn't look her way still.

' It's those bitches. They made him become heartless and unable to see women being loyal to him. They not only ruined my chance with him, they also left him with a lifelong emotional scar' Paige couldn't help but snare. She hated Kyley and Sam for what they did.

And although Sam had already paid with her death, Paige planned to make Kyley pay with even worse.

' I'll find you and use you to step towards my goal. How satisfying' Paige rose and grinned as she thought. She could already see Kyley in her grasp as she handed her to Jason while the latter finally sees the potential in her as a worthy mate.

Paige clenched her hands by her side determinantly and started to think of ways to achieve her goal. Her gaze became resolute as she looked towards the far distance.

' Ivan had said she found her car up north in the depths of the woods. If I trail this river upstream, I'm sure it'll lead me up north to the depths of the woods.' Paige's gaze fell on the river as she thought. She was glad that she had listened in on Ivan and Jason's conversation. It was only due to this that she had a clue as to Kyley's whereabout.

' If only I was able to find that bastard and grab him before I got kicked out of the residence, I wouldn't have had to think too much about finding the bitch!' Paige recollected how Jason had had two betas escort her away from the Moonblood pack residence without giving her the chance to pick anything.

Thankfully, she still had a way about the woods as she was very familiar with it after years of having ventured into these parts of the woods. Therefore, Paige could make her way up north to the depth from thereon.

' However...' She craned her neck up and stared at the sky that was slowly becoming dark. ' I need to camp before it gets too late. Therefore, I'll have to delay my venture up north.' Even Paige knew how dangerous the wilderness could get, so she wouldn't dare to be reckless even though she wanted to go after Kyley as soon as possible.

Paige reached into the pocket of her tight jean and pulled out her cellular phone. She flipped it open and turned it on.


Taking a check at the battery bar, Paige realized she had a low battery with the bar almost drained but she had no other choice. She put the cellphone back into her pocket, saving it for later use.

She looked around as she slowly moved away from the river bank with a thoughtful expression ' Setting up a tent near a river in the woods would only sound exotic to someone who's new to these woods and has no idea about how dangerous it actually is. Of course, being close to the river can provide easy access to water for cooking and cleaning. However, that's only in the day...'

' The night gets dangerous around these banks as some wild animals could come to take a drink by the bank.' Paige wasn't worried about a wild animal attacking her, what she was more worried about was animals who walked in packs, as well as rogues who lived in the woods, fending off by looting others.

' It is only wise for me to choose a safe spot away from the riverbanks to avoid potential risks... But I also shouldn't stay to far away either as the river also has its use.' Paige thought.

Skillfully finding a safe spot by a tall big tree in the woods near the river. The tree had a big boulder by it's side, rendering her a good cover to hide in. Paige moved to clear the area of any twigs and rocks to create a comfortable space and then setup a camp using fallen branches leaves. Paige constructed a natural shelter, weaving the branches together to form a cozy spot to rest for the night.

She then set off to find dried woods with which she used to set up fire by her camp. Returning to her camp with woods, Paige gathered dried twigs to help increase her chance of igniting fire on the woods. She picked up the two flint stones that she'd found to spark a fire on the woods.

Clank! Clank!

Crackling sounds were made as Paige struck the flints together to sparkle fire. She tried severally and she was only able to make a small spark once or twice. Seconds turned into minutes real fast and it neared the mark of an hour.

Still she was unable to light the woods!

It was even more difficult that she'd imagined!

" if only I had a lighter or matchsticks!" Paige muttered in frustration as she threw the flint stones away. She reached to sweep her hair back and stood to think for a while as to what to do. ' Bitch!' She couldn't help but curse at Kyley once again, she is the reason Paige had to go through all of this.

It was starting to get dark and a cold fog befell the woods, causing the surrounding atmosphere to become chilly and cold. Paige couldn't help but hold her hands around her body to warm herself as she looked around the woods that had become crookedly silent. She removed her jacket and moved to her camp to sit by the tree as she covered her shoulders and torso with her jacket, and then curled her legs and arms up against herself. However, that only lasted for a few minutes as Paige began shuddering from the cold.

She had nothing to cover herself with but her fur now.

However, she couldn't stay in her wolf form for too long as it would make her seem an obvious target.

Paige picked up several sticks and sharpened its end with her nails to keep herself active and warm. She put the sticks in her boots afterwards as it might come in handy. She then started to rub her palms.

Hungry and cold, Paige sat there wondering if she would survive the night.

After a long while, she moved to find the flint stones again and began striking them again to create a spark. She at least needed some warmth if she was going to survive the night.

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