
Are You a Thing


“Finally!” Nelle said as she rushed around the bar to greet me. “I was beginning to think you fell off the face of the earth. I texted you last night.”

“I know. I went to bed early. I was exhausted.”

She looped her arm around mine and dragged me to my usual seat at the bar. “Tell me everything. Did your dad like him? Did they hit it off and talk all night and leave you out of the conversation?”

“No. The very few words they spoke to each other were rather ugly. They did not hit it off.”

She frowned. “Well, that sucks.”

“You’re telling me. They hate each other.”

She waved a hand and went back behind the bar to pour my usual glass of wine. “Did you smooth things out?”

I rolled my eyes. “There is no smoothing that train wreck out. Turns out, they know each other. Knew each other.”

“Really? How? I can’t imagine your dad hanging out with anyone younger.”

“Xander was in my dad’s class. You should have seen and heard my father. I have never seen him behave so badly. It was ugly. Horrible
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