
What a Jerk!


“My wife and I have secrets,” he said without taking his eyes off the minimal cleavage showing in the dress I was wearing.

“Really? Because the way she is looking at you, I would say your secret is out of the bag. Get lost, buddy. This lady is way out of your league.”

I looked at Nelle, trying to tell her to calm down with my eyes. She wasn’t getting the message.

“Excuse me?” he growled. “Aren’t you the bartender? Why don’t you make me another drink and do your job? I assume I’m paying you.”

“You aren’t paying me shit,” Nelle replied without missing a beat. “This is an open bar.”

“And I’m the damn owner of the firm that is paying for it,” he snapped.

“Congratulations. I hope you have an excellent attorney and an even better prenup. Your wife is only with you for your money and I would guess she is tired of your secrets. You’re about to be a very broke man. She looks like she could be a gold digger. She was just waiting for you to screw up, and here you are, giving her all kinds o
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