
Chapter 22: Clearing Nora's Name Part 1

In the morning, Luis and Lily made a trip to the courthouse. He was successful with his appeal and managed to push the execution back by a month. He met Nora and they spoke at length. He recorded their entire conversation. He requested the case files and went through the accompanying evidence gathered. He saw the video from the house surveillance. He watched it and requested if he could get a copy. They gave it to him. On his way out he heard some officers talking

"Is that the famous lawyer Luis from Mexico?" one officer asked, and another replied

"Yes, it is. I just don't know why he wants to handle this case all of a sudden," another officer passed a comment

"Did you guys ever think for once this lady may be innocent after all?" one officer replied

"What do you mean, aside from the polygraph which she passed all the evidence points to her" replied another officer

"Shut it guys and get back to work. If he wants to handle the case, how is it your business" came the voice of the se
Judith C-Tagoe

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