
shouldn't be.

I wore the bracelet Tim gave me. He said he haven't seen me wore it since the day he gave it to me. I explained that I care of things that was given to me and I don't want them to expose. That was a white lie 'cause I honestly forgot about it.

Things have been clear to me, he's that kid who always wear a Spider-Man mask. They left the village that time when I couldn't find him anymore. And then when he turned into a teenager, they went back to the village. At first I couldn't believe it until he told me stuffs only the seven-year old him and the six-year old me know. And he haven't told me stupid stuffs like what he said these past few weeks. He's been acting normal and like an idiot which is I am used to. 

We got a lot of customers today-the music track is changed now and there's also new books. There are also faces that I already memorized as they became our regular customers. 

“Are you really sure about writing a book?” he asked while we're in the kitchen preparing the orders. 

“Why? Seems impossible?” I uttered while placing the quotes properly. 

“I mean....about what?” he asked and opened the door for me.

“ About the planets that exist in my mind- thank you for being home- and it seems like you're not interested in writing, so I'm going to do-thank you for coming home- it by myself and I promise- thank you for coming home- you, Grandpa, and Miss Mia will be the first ones-thank you for coming home- to read my book.” I stated while serving orders and then I faced him who's standing behind me holding the other tray.

He then took a deep breath and flash a smile. 

“I wonder what those planets are named as... But yeah...Good luck for that.. We're always here for you.” 

“Thanks.” I responded and hit him lightly in his biceps.

Honestly, I still don't have a solid plan about the content of the book, but I am sure I will be writing the book. I want to create something that will be a subway to my mind, a plane to my soul, and words that can explain my lungs.

We can all write a book- but only few wants to bleed. Writing is bleeding. Letting your mind turn into thoughts and letting your pen run out of ink. It's being brave enough to express yourself without thinking about the monsters surrounding you- the ones who walks in the streets and not those the one you think that hides in your closet. 

“You alright?” I heard Grandpa's voice that made me brought back to my senses.

“Huh-uhm.. yes..” 

“ You've been staring at the floor for almost a minute now. It might melt any 

“Oh, I'm just thinking about.. something.” I uttered and smile awkwardly.

“Can I know that something?” Miss Mia asked with her eyes squinting.

“Just about-”

“Me.” Said Tim making my eyes widened and punched him in his chest.

“ You miss my punches,huh?” I ask then punch him again before he could run.

“I thought he already like somebody else?” 

 I faced Miss Mia as he gazed at Tim who is now in the kitchen.

I smiled making Miss Mia's brows meet.

“ aren't affected? Why are you happy 'bout it?”

“The one he like is a weird kid.” I stated in a whisper voice making Miss Mia confuse.

“What?What do you mean? What about that bracelet? Tim is also wearing that bracelet-”

“This is a friendship bracelet.” I said showing it to her.

“You are not jealous with that girl?”

I shake my head no and went back to the kitchen leaving Miss Mia with a puzzled face.

I shouldn't be jealous of myself.

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