
Chapter 2

Scarlet's Pov:

My heart raced as I stumbled into my room, disbelief swirling in my mind. With trembling hands, I placed my purse on the table, but it slipped from my grip, crashing to the floor.

With heavy steps and measured breaths, I approached my bed and slumped onto it. Tears welled up in my eyes as the weight of the situation sank in. Clutching the pillow tightly, I buried my face in its softness, unleashing a muffled scream into its depth.

I didn't know how long I sat there lost in my thoughts. No, I couldn't allow myself to be disheartened. There had to be a way to fix it all. After all, I carried Alpha blood; it couldn't be weak.

Dr. Halt hadn't handed over the reports due to some unknown reasons. A knot of frustration tightened in my stomach. The unfinished tests weighed heavily on my mind, leaving me feeling anxious and uncertain.

I would talk to Ryan when he came back. I couldn't wait to hide in his bulky arms and bathe in his scent. I longed to seek solace in his comforting embrace with each passing second.

A knock on the door startled me out of my reverie. I wiped my tears away before opening the door.

"Luna, we've prepared everything for Alpha's arrival; only the brownies are left," an Omega informed me while bowing before me. The whole pack knew that Alpha Ryan only ate sweets made by his Luna.

"Thank you, Alicia. I'll be there in a jiffy," I answered softly.

Alpha Ryan wasn't a fan of sweets, but he loved the brownies I made. It was our thing; I would bake him brownies whenever he was on a trip so he could eat them whenever he missed me.

Alpha Ryan's words rang in my ears, making my heart thump. Taking a deep breath, I closed the door and went to the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen, I saw that Chef Audrey had prepared everything, while Omegas were running around making everything perfect. Audrey was kind and an older member of the pack.

"You can take the evening off, Audrey," I said softly as I approached her.

"No, child..." Audrey started.

"Is everything okay, child? You look pale," Audrey inquired softly while caressing my hair.

"I'm okay, Audrey. Don't worry about me," I smiled gently, though it didn't reach my eyes.

"Okay, dear. If you say so, but just so you know, I'm always here for you," Audrey said, and our hearts swelled. Unable to control myself, I threw my arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"Check if everything's okay," Audrey asked, smiling. Taking her wrinkly hands in mine, I gave them a gentle squeeze. I smiled back at her.

Truthfully, I ran my eyes around, and different cuisines were made by Omegas. Audrey gently patted my hair, and I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth and motherly aura radiating from her. A pang of loneliness for my own mother hit me hard.

"I prepared extra dishes in case Alpha Ryan invited some guests over."

"How's it possible that anything you do isn't good?" I inquired with a soft smile. Both of us chuckled.

"Moon Goddess bless you, child. I've never seen someone as selfless as you. The things you've done for me and this pack..." Audrey's eyes welled with tears as she gazed at me.

Audrey had been in the pack since Alpha Ryan was just one year old. She had run away from her pack and her abusive, cheating mate. She was a rogue when the former Alpha took her in, and since then, she had been in the pack.

She had seen the pack and the rulers. I may not accept it, but Audrey could see the changes my presence had made. When Audrey first came to Silver Star Pack, the pack was in very bad condition. They were weak, and there were constant rogue attacks.

"Moon Goddess bless you," Audrey smiled and left the kitchen.

I gently rubbed my hand on my stomach, a smile automatically appearing on my face.

I couldn't believe I was carrying a little life inside me. My flesh. I couldn't wait for Alpha Ryan's reaction. A sudden rush of love and protectiveness engulfed me. Today, I felt like I had completed as a woman.

"Don't worry, my little faery. Mama will always protect you," I whispered with a gentle smile on my face.

"Let's make our special and your Dada's favorite brownies and welcome him," I said to myself.

Taking everything out, I started making the brownies. I took a small bunny baking shaper and cut the brownies.

"Welcome home, Dada," I whispered and finished coating the mini brownie, gently caressing my stomach, I smiled.

"Good day, Luna," a voice broke me out of my reverie. I looked up to see an omega standing at the kitchen door with hands full of expensive liquor. I smiled and nodded at her in acknowledgment.

"What's all this for?" I inquired, narrowing my eyes. This liquor was the most expensive, and we kept it for special guests. It was made from a special herb found once in a hundred years.

"Luna..." the omega gulped.

"Natasha ma'am asked for it. She's having a party with her friends," the omega answered timidly. I sighed heavily.

"Please put it back," I asked the omega, who nodded and left. I went out of the kitchen to check all the arrangements.


After checking everything for the last time, I went to check the court. Since Ryan would be bringing some guests along with him, it was necessary that the place of their gathering should be top-notch.

At the center of the court, the Alpha and Luna thrones stood tall and proud, like guardians of the realm. Rows of high chairs stretched out before them, ready for the meetup.

Meanwhile, the omegas wasted no time, diving into their chores with gusto. Mops swished, dust flew, and clutter vanished as if by magic. I smiled seeing them; they worked harmoniously, showing their dedication. Everyone in the pack loves Ryan dearly, as he is the best Alpha to them.

After supervising everything, I went out when an omega came towards me.

"Luna, the Alpha has arrived," the moment the words left the Omega's mouth, I ran towards the door. All forms of royalty composure were long forgotten.

I ran, and my heart skipped a beat seeing Ryan coming out of his car. Omegas stood in a line with trays of flower petals to welcome him. Seeing Ryan, everything came crashing on me—the longing, pain, and our biggest blessing, our baby.

Unable to control myself, I ran and launched myself into his arms. Wrapping my arms tightly around him, I closed my eyes and basked in his warmth.

Ryan stumbled back with the force but quickly stood straight and wrapped his arms tightly around me. Nuzzling his neck, I buried myself in his hair and took a breath of his intoxicating scent.

Despite the passage of time, it felt like an eternity since we had been together. Kissing him publicly might seem inappropriate for a Luna, but I couldn't care less at the moment. The weight of the situation was too heavy on my shoulders and soul. At that time, nothing else mattered to me, only Alpha Ryan.

My happiness was cut short when I felt Alpha Ryan's rigid form. He didn't respond to my kiss as he always does. He slowly pulled away from me.

"Hello Scar, how are you?" he inquired while staring straight ahead.

"Ryan, is everything okay?" I asked softly.

Before Ryan could answer me, someone else came out of the car behind him, a girl to be specific. She was beautiful like a rare flower, but deep down, there was something dark about her, like she had secrets nobody knew. And those eyes haunted me.

"Beatrice," I whispered, gazing at the woman in front of me.

I couldn't believe my eyes. My heart sank as the realization dawned on me. Tears welled in my eyes as I turned to look at Alpha Ryan. The woman was none other than Beatrice, Alpha Ryan's childhood lover.

Alpha Ryan looked away, avoiding my gaze. He got engaged in conversation with his Beta, Daniel. A whirlwind of emotions threatened to deplete me as I watched them, my hands trembling with a mixture of longing and apprehension.

"Hello Luna," Beatrice said in a sickly sweet voice. Her eyes raked over me. A glint of mockery and triumph shone in her eyes.

"Ryan, what is going on,"? I inquired, my confusion palpable as I struggled to make sense of everything.

"Oh, please, spare us from the overreacting," a mocking voice came from the side.

I veered around to catch sight of Alpha Ryan's sister and mother standing there. His sister, Morgana, retained a bored expression on her face, while his mother, Drusilla, was throwing daggers at me. If looks could kill, I would be ashes by now.

"Hello Luna," I murmured while smiling.

"Is this how you welcome your Alpha and his family, Luna?" Drusilla sneered. Her voice dripped with malice.

I swallowed hard, my cheeks turning red in humiliation as the pack members whispered. It had been five years since I mated with Alpha Ryan, but for some reason, his family never accepted me.

I did everything to prove myself worthy of being the Luna, worthy of being with Alpha Ryan, but I was always met with indifference.

"I'm sorry, I..." I swallowed hard, my eyes flickering with apprehension.

"You apologize too much, Scarlet," Morgana mocked, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she idly picked at her nails.

"What?" I stammered.

"Yes, you apologize too much," Morgana scoffed nastily, her gaze piercing through me like a rapier. "One would think you lack the confidence to lead."

"Exactly. A Luna should possess, not cower like a frightened pup," Drusilla sneered, her lips curling into a disdainful sneer as she looked down at me. I gazed at Alpha Ryan to see he was as standing there mute, pain filled my heart at his behavior. He has always stood by my side even though his mother and sister have always made fun of me. However, he is acting as though I am not there right now. The fact that his family is making fun of me in front of everyone is irrelevant to him.

"Enough, Mother, you are not here to engage in petty squabbles," Alpha Ryan finally stepped forward. Ignoring everyone, I turned around to face Alpha Ryan and went towards him.

Ryan, could you please explain? Why is Beatrice here? Why is she with you?" I couldn't help but rain questions. My heart was jackhammering against my chest. I was getting this heavy heart-wrenching feeling.


"Enough of this useless conversation and petty welcome. It's not like I expected something extraordinary," Drusilla taunted.


"Anyway, I want you to arrange a phenomenal mating ceremony," Drusilla said, smiling widely. My forehead scrunched in confusion.

"Mating ceremony," I whispered, turning to Alpha Ryan. I couldn't help but smile. Were they finally arranging the mating ceremony for me?

"Yes... My baby found her mate," Drusilla said with a warm smile, gazing lovingly at Morgana.

It was then I noticed Beta Daniel's arm wrapped around Morgana's waist as he smiled at her. I watched as Drusilla smiled warmly at her daughter, not the taunted smile that she always gave me.

I hid the pang of disappointment behind my fake smile. It had been five years since I mated Alpha Ryan, and he never arranged a mating ceremony for me. I don't know if Ryan can see our strained bond. We are drifting apart.

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