
Chapter 3

Scarlet's POV:

As Alpha Ryan led me into our room, a rush of questions flooded my mind.

"What is the matter, Ryan? Why is Beatrice here?" I couldn't help but inquire as soon as the door closed behind us.

"Scarlet," Alpha Ryan's voice wavered, his eyes clouded with regret. His gentle demeanour faltered, his eyes betraying a tumult of emotions.

"Beatrice is here because she needs my help with pack matters," he explained.

"What help? I don't understand anything," my brows furrowed, sensing something amiss.

"Yes, pack matters," Alpha Ryan's reticence was palpable as he struggled to find the right words.

I shook my head and said, "Ryan, do not lie to me." I couldn't comprehend why Ryan had to bring his ex with him. I couldn't shake that uneasy feeling away.

"Come here," Alpha Ryan said as he took my shaky hands in his and led me toward our bed. Sitting on the bed, Alpha Ryan kneeled before me and placed a deep kiss on my knuckles.

"I know what you are feeling, Scar. I can hear it from miles away. You don't have to think irrationally because I know how far your mind can go," Alpha Ryan chuckled while gazing at me lovingly.

"Beatrice called me a day ago…,"

"Ryan…," I opened my mouth but closed it, seeing Alpha Ryan's expression. I chose to keep quiet and let him continue. I wanted to know the reason he took his ex with him.

"Beatrice killed an alpha," Alpha Ryan disclosed, and a gasp left my mouth.


"Yes. She was on a trip with her friends when a group of wolves tried to molest them. Her friends left her alone and ran away. Beatrice tried to save herself and in self-defence, she killed the alpha. Now his father wants revenge on Beatrice. That's why she called and asked if I could give her protection."

"I couldn't say no to her. I am sure you would not want that as well.

"Scar, all of the past is behind us, including our relationship. She is my past, and you are my present and future. You complete me like a puzzle. I can't even imagine my life without you. I love you, mi Vida," Alpha Ryan said while gazing straight into my eyes.

"Then prove it," I whispered.

Alpha Ryan smiled and kissed me passionately, tearing my dress in the process.

A gasp left my lips as Alpha Ryan entered me. My face was buried in his chest as I closed my eyes and let the tears fall down my cheeks. I closed my eyes and lost myself in him as all thoughts flew out of my mind.


"I want to tell you something," I whispered while tracing patterns on his chest. We had just made love to each other. Alpha Ryan had finally left me after giving me six orgasms.


"I'm pre…," I was about to tell him when my phone rang. Pulling myself away from his warm embrace, I grabbed the sheets to cover myself and reached for the phone. Alpha Ryan smirked at me. After being together for years, I still got shy around him.

I noticed Dr. Halt's name flashing on the screen of my phone. My heart skipped a beat thinking about the results of my reports. I took a deep breath and glanced at Alpha Ryan, who was texting someone on his phone.

"Hello Luna, can you please come to my office, now," Dr. Halt's voice blasted through the speaker as soon as I answered the call.

"Now? What happened? Is everything alright?" I questioned, unable to contain my anxiety.

"Yes. Just please come here, and…

"And please don't tell anyone about your pregnancy, not even Alpha."

"What?" I was perplexed. What did she mean when she said that?

"Please, Luna."

"O-okay," I responded absentmindedly. Cutting the call, I put the phone back.

"Who was it?"

"Eva, the girls want to have a girl's evening," I lied while palming my fist.


"Yes. She said she also needed help with something. I can't go later as with the ongoing mating ceremony," I answered while getting up from the bed.

Alpha Ryan nodded as I smiled gently at him, eyes shimmering with hidden pain. His silence weighed heavily on my heart, leaving my feelings unseen and unheard.

"Scarlet," Alpha Ryan called as I was grabbing my purse. I turned around and looked at him. Alpha Ryan got off the bed and approached me, taking my hands in his, he gazed into my eyes.

"Beatrice. I would be pleased if you would make her feel welcome. What we had is in the past. She has suffered a lot and…,"

"Okay," I nodded, and Alpha Ryan smiled widely and hugged me tightly. And for the first time in my life, I felt something I would rather not feel. Since when did he become this blind to my emotions? Or perhaps I was the blind one.

"I'll go now," I said, and Alpha Ryan nodded.

I was heading toward the door when my feet halted in the living room. Beatrice, Morgana, and Drusilla were sitting, drinking, and gossiping. I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment in my heart. Why couldn't they accept me as a part of their family?

"Oh hey, Scarlet. Didn't see you there," a sickly sweet voice chimed. I blinked, coming out of my reverie. I looked up to see Beatrice standing before me. I forced a smile at her. No matter what, my heart couldn't bring itself to hate her. She had already been through enough.

"I hope you are well settled in. Please let me know if you need anything," I smiled.

"Of course I will. After all, it's my pack," Beatrice said with a small smirk playing on her lips. My brows furrowed in confusion at her words.


"Where are you going at this hour?" Drusilla inquired.

"I'm going out with Eva and the girls," I answered, hoping she would buy it.

"Really? And what about the preparations for the mating ceremony? I knew you were incompetent at being the Luna of this pack, but this irresponsibility…,"

"I've prepared everything. All the invitations have been sent to the guests," I replied before Drusilla could complete her sentence. Drusilla went silent as her eyes shone with amusement.

In the last five years, I've become a beacon of hope, not just for my pack but for others nearby too. My kindness and willingness to help in tough times have earned me admiration and respect. I've stepped in countless times to assist struggling packs through their darkest moments. So, when I extended invitations, they were welcomed with open arms from all corners.

"Excuse me," I muttered and left for the clinic.


"Luna, please come in," Dr. Halt greeted me and motioned for me to take a seat.

My heart skipped a beat as I settled into the chair, my mind racing with thousands of fears and anticipations. "What is it, doctor? Is my baby okay? And why did you ask me not to inform Ryan?"

Dr. Halt wavered, her expression grave as she took a deep breath, "It's not the baby, Luna, it's you."

I felt a cold shiver run down my spine as I met the doctor's gaze. "What do you mean? What's wrong with me?"

"Remember Luna, how you would experience nightmares and hear whispers when you arrived at the pack?"

"Yes, but what does that have to do with this?" I appealed.

Dr. Halt reached for a file on her desk, and opening it, she put it in front of me.

"I've been examining your blood, and I've found something… Unusual."

"Unusual? What do you mean by that, Dr. Halt?" I inquired as she closed the file.

"There are traces of two poisons in your body."

"Poison?" I whispered as my breath caught in my throat, a surge of disbelief and fear washing over my body. Poison? What does that mean? And who could do this to her? My hands trembled as I clutched the armrests of the chair for support.

"Shadowthorn essence and Whisperwind Venom, two of the most deadly venoms."

"Huh," I managed to choke out, my voice barely above a whisper as I looked at Dr. Halt with brokenness etched across my features. The weight of her words hung heavily in the air, and it seemed like the world around us had come crashing down. In that moment, I saw a shift in Dr. Halt's demeanor. Her gaze softened, and she began to treat me not as just a patient, but as if I were her own sister.

"Shadowthorn essence is a dark poison derived from the thorns of the nightshade plant. They cause terrifying hallucinations, leading to paralysis."

"While Whisperwind Venom is harvested from the elusive Whisperwind spiders dwelling in the ethereal forests, this poison imbues one's mind with haunting whispers and illusions, driving them to the brink of madness."

"These poisons are not easily found. They are only in Kingdom Solstice."

As tears streaked down my cheeks, I struggled to make sense of Dr. Halt's words. My shoulders sagged under the weight of the brutal revelation, and my eyes widened in shock. Frantically, I scanned the room, desperate for answers that slipped through my fingers like grains of sand. Every emotion felt like a heavy burden, dragging me deeper into the turmoil of uncertainty and confusion.

"But I don't remember taking anything," I answered softly.

"They are found in your blood. They were given to you in small portions, like taking them daily in food. And now I can say that you have been consuming them for five years."

"I still don't understand anything. Why would anyone do this? And what about my baby?" I panicked as I thought about my baby.

"Don't worry, Luna, the baby is safe, but now you have to be careful of everything around you as we don't know who is behind this."


My mind was a mess. A thousand thoughts were swirling around my mind. Disbelief and fear gripped my body. Cold sweat glistened on her forehead. I choked on my saliva, making it difficult to swallow. My throat hurt with all the emotions building up inside me.

I never thought that the most memorable day of my life would turn out to be the most miserable day. How many dreams I had for this baby? I couldn't wait to start my new life with Alpha Ryan, and now this.

Hastily entering the pack house, I made my way toward Alpha Ryan's office. I needed Alpha Ryan. I needed his strong arms around me. I needed his sweet whispers to assure me that everything would be alright.

Reaching his office, I hastily opened the door, only to be met with a scene that shattered my soul.

Alpha Ryan was sitting in his chair, and on his lap was Beatrice. Her skirt was pulled up to her inner thighs, Alpha Ryan's palms resting on her thighs as he rubbed them sensually. Beatrice's arms were tightly wrapped around him as they kissed each other hungrily.

A lone tear escaped my eyes as I stumbled back. My throat became heavy and tight. I gasped as I found it difficult to breathe. A knot rose in my throat as I watched Alpha Ryan deeply involved with another she-wolf. They were in their world.

I felt sick to my stomach, as I struggled to control my breathing. Each breath was a battle, like trying to catch air in the storm. Like a venomous serpent, my mate's betrayal coils around my heart, injecting it's poison with each agonizing strike. I couldn't bear to look more pathetic than I already was.

Scarlet heard the unspoken words of rejection from her mate as she watched him devour Beatrice.

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