
The Gangster Attack

"Allen! Allen!! Samantha yelled, but the line was already disconnected.

Samantha started pacing back and forth. What could have happened? "Why was there noise before the line got disconnected?", Samantha thought.

She thought of calling Allen back, but she decided against it. Then the thought of calling Kingston crossed her mind, but she didn't have his number. If Nancy was hanging out with Kingston, definitely she should have his number, Samantha thought, and immediately dialled Nancy's number.

"Hey Sammy, what's good" Nancy said.

"Nancy, I need your help with something. Can you send Kingston's number to me?. Allen and I were speaking on phone, then I heard some noises and the line got disconnected. I am afraid that something might have happened to him"

"oh no, of course, I'll send Kingston's number to you immediately. I hope he is fine, Samantha"

"I hope so too, thank you Nancy" Samantha said, before ending the call.


Allen was on his way to his colleague, the one wh
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