
64. A Tour Around Snow

Rima’s POV

I felt their eyes on me, their gazes heavy with unspoken queries: Why had a simple lullaby provoked such a profound emotional response? Why was I visibly in pain, struggling to mask my anguish from them?

“Excuse me” I murmured, my voice barely audible. I was on the verge of standing up, ready to retreat and let my tears flow freely in solitude, when Diana's hand gently gripped my arm. Her voice, soft yet steady, broke through the heavy silence “Rima, it's okay" her voice was soft, her touch gentle "You don't need to hide your feelings. You don't have to go"

Her words, though kind, only served to bring more tears to my eyes. I wanted to pull away, to escape to a private place where I could let my emotions out freely. But Diana's hold was firm; not restraining, but supportive.

Diana passed the sleeping baby to Jenny, who was closest to her, and took my hands in hers. There was a warmth and sincerity in her touch that made

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