
65. The Perfect Partner

Rima’s POV

"Are you absolutely certain about this?" Jacob questioned, his tone laced with a hint of concern. He extended a gun towards me, his eyes reflecting an unspoken anxiety. He seemed to worry that I might recoil from the danger inherent in such an activity, that fear might overtake me and create a rift between us once more.

With a tentative smile, I reached out and took the gun from him, my grip steady "Yes, Jacob. I'm a hundred percent sure. Just relax, and let's enjoy this moment together" I assured him.

The competition hadn't started yet, and I was the only one scheduled for a practice session. They all surmised I was inexperienced with firearms and wanted to give me a fighting chance so that Jacob and I wouldn't embarrass ourselves in the upcoming competition. Jacob himself was considered rusty, having confessed that he hadn't held a gun in five years, but he chose not to join me in the training. Perhaps his years of experience had ingrained in

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