
Chapter 46 Part I – Jealousy


I was mildly surprised when Natalia felt my stare and turned to my direction. Of course, she's also trained since she was young. It's not surprising for her to be hypersensitive.

Our eyes met. My raven eyes met dark and stoic chocolate ones. Beautifully enticing, but dangerous.

I didn't change my expression but I saw her lips slightly curl as she nodded at me. Without another glance at Jett, she went to me and stopped a safe distance away.

"I'm glad to finally meet the new Mistress of the mafia. I'm Natalia Rodriguez, madam," she introduced herself, with that same monotone, and offered a hand. I didn't bother tilting my head up to match her and only moved my eyes.

I don't know what her motives are. Though she came here to grieve for her father, I did hear her casually mention Jett as her first love. I have a feeling she won't come back to where she came from even when Old Barry's funeral is over.

Nonetheless, it never hurt to get as many people's trust. So, I gently shook
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