
chapter 54


"Enough Damien! I'm not listening to whatever you have to say"

My heart thundering in my chest, he wasn't making any sense.

Not now that things were going on well between us.

He sighed and took another step towards me, I wanted to step back but my feet felt like they were chained to the ground.

Reaching up, he caresses my cheeks with his thumb.his touch sent a shiver down my spine.

The scary type of shiver.

My back was covered in cold sweat and fear of what this man would do to me.

"It's confusing isn't it, you've got questions eating you up, but give it time, if we get to spend some time together you will see" he said with a smile on his lips and his thumb caressing my lower lips, I felt like puking

"I'm not going to spend time with you Damien" I hissed feeling bile rising in my stomach.

Goddess can this day get any worse.

He simply chuckled, the scar on his face look so weird couple with the most creepiest smile he was trying to pull off.

"It's seems you haven't been listeni
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