
Keep A Watch

Violet POV

Ground slipped beneath my feet. “You can’t be serious?” My voice was barely audible as I expressed my disbelief at his words.

Beta Jackson shook his head. “Violet, you can’t be so naïve. Considering that Emily stayed beside Alpha Dane hoping to get married to him for the last five years, you should know her intentions well. Honestly, the last five years have been extremely tough for Alpha Dane.”

With a ragged breath, I walked down the stairs towards Beta Jackson. I resumed my seat while he took a spot on the adjacent sofa. “I hope you realize it was tougher on me?”

“Of course. I don’t deny it, Violet. "It's impressive how you turned nothing into a livelihood and still took care of your pup," he said, seriousness evident in his voice. “Alpha Dane was under pressure to marry Emily from many people while you were alone. You can’t imagine the pressure he had on him. And yet, he didn’t marry her. The reason—” he stared at me for a moment. “His wolf refused to mate with any

Dear all, thank you so much for your wonderful comments on the last chapter. I would love if I can get five reviews for the book on its homepage. Will give you all a mass release of 3 chapters if the rating shows on the app.

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Comments (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
I hope soo hope nothing happens to Dave and his mom
goodnovel comment avatar
Sophia Martin
love your book
goodnovel comment avatar
teamwork so that this bad people will be defeated.

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