

“So, how are we going to keep Killian from finding out about this guy?” Josephine's question jolted me back from my imagined encounter with an enraged Killian.

“Umm... I’ll grab a quick shower.”

“No time for that. Killian will be home any minute, and besides what about your clothes? Even stuffed in the laundry basket he might notice. I suppose you might have time to get them down to the laundry before he gets here, but what if you meet him on the stairs?”

“Then I’ll just...”

“Hailey, you are so lucky that I’m here to help you out. Here’s what we’ll do. Do you remember how I gave you some perfume about a week ago? Have you used it yet?”

I shook my head unable to recollect ever using the perfume “No. Why?”

“Okay, well put some on...quite a lot actually. It will help mask that scent. If you use it, Killian will have no idea that you’ve been near anyone else. And if you see Stephan again, use it then too. What Killian doesn’t know won’t hurt him and it will save you from his temper,
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