
Wolves and mystery

Saving the file, I connected to the internet. Viktor's werewolf book popped into my head, and I decided to see what I could find online about lycanthropy.

Soon, I was down a rabbit hole, amazed that anyone would dedicate so much time to a fictional world filled with people who turned into animals. It was ridiculous, sure, but undeniably fascinating. Some websites even required proof of being a werewolf to access certain sections!

I shook my head, examining the application form. They wanted your family tree to prove your bloodline? As if! Still, it was a cute gimmick. Did anyone ever actually apply? What kind of response would they get? On a whim, I decided to fill one out, just for laughs. The webmaster would probably get a kick out of it.

Just as I hit submit, Beth walked back in, a satisfied smile on her face. "Hey there! How'd you do holding down the fort?"

"Oh, you know, swamped with customers," I teased, winking. "Did you get all the deliveries done?"

"Yep, no problems, alth
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