
Fifty nine



Being traumatized came with it own demon and literally I could feel mine breathing down on my neck —

Each night had been eventful on its own part after the accident, each left me stricken with fear with every bit of fear to face reality.

It was as though I was staring straight into the eye of my own fear, the deeper I looked the more I was starting to know what all the craziness was about.

I gasped suddenly, a thunder clasped across the sky as I woke up panting. It was only ten hours back home at the motel and already I was being tormented by these frequent nightmares over and over.

The dream all starts the same way, I find myself walking in a path when suddenly I am dragged away and forced into some kind of path where I was being trailed by the shadow of a wolf.

From a far away distance, the wolf sounded as my mind tried to get a hold on reality …

Right there on my way every bit of everything else looked to melt away , fragments by fragments till it formed just one picture.

I could hear growling and snarling in the distance as I stood out in the middle of nowhere and then that bright light again.

This time my eyes opened suddenly, above my head a fan swirled slowly but still I was drenched in my own sweat.

I turned and could see her sleeping peacefully close to where I was, I sat up on the bed with my face in my palms.

Deep down I wanted an answer to all this craziness I was feeling, the fact that my mind felt messed up was too difficult to deal with as the more I looked the less I saw.

The face of the woman I had seen a day before kept replaying in my head, without being told I knew she held more than she was saying, for some reason I could feel myself not trusting my assumed wife Martha, what was the proof she wasn't lying?

I began sweating as I could feel my heart beat pace wildly like i.waa some sort of wild beast, as it did the room began spinning round.

The only thing that was stationary was myself, right there in my head I looked to be the only thing existing.

It left a feeling so much that I could feel my chest felt tight, I figured all I needed was a glass of water and the phrase I was in would pass.

The next thing I remember was walking toward the fridge at the corner of the room, I poured a glass till it was half filled with water, as I did I could feel my hands tremble as it tries to hold still.

I put my hand on my chest, doubting I would still be able to breathe, I looked at Martha still on the bed as my shaky hands reached to my lips.

Gulping down from the cup I felt better in a kind of way. I was still lost, every bit of my mind was.

For no reason or perhaps because I needed more understanding about this craziness that was consuming me slowly I looked out the window and saw what looked like the figure of a wild wolf, just when I thought I should take a second look it was out of there like it had not been there In the first place.

I had just taken my second gulp when I heard her move from behind me rustling against the sheet as she sat up on the bed.

She drew the duvet as she Walked toward me in nothing but a pant and top, I could literally feel my heart fall out of my mouth the second I saw her.

I don’t think I ever felt the way I did with the other woman at the hospital, in a way I had a deeper bond with her than the woman standing in front.

She soon reached where I was and I looked down at her. I had such genuine feelings for her that I couldn't figure out I knew all that was needed was to trigger my memory .

I stood there with the cup of water in one hand and the other still bracing the table as I weighed the pros and cons. At the end, I was still left confused on what to do.

"What are you looking at? " She asked.

I fell silent not knowing the right words to use as my situation felt unjustified.

"You shouldn't be standing here and stressing yourself, get back to bed." She spoke quickly.

" I will be fine. " My voice sounded almost inaudibly.

" You —"

"I said I would be fine!" I snapped.

She looked at me astonished but said not another word, instead she retracted her steps and made way back to the bed.

At that moment I was fused with the bottled-up tension rolling off me. If it were possible I would just walk out of the door and take a walk just to clear my head and get my mind stable for just a minute.

Instead, I found myself walking toward her

I could feel my self-restraint was pulled to a point of breaking, I could literally hear the fibers snapping one after the other till it felt like I was hanging barely by a thread.

I deserved a fucking award for being the craziest man ever to walk the face of earth.

"I am sorry." I apologized.

All I felt was that icy shiver as it ran through my blood, leaving me confused, I could feel the resilience as it tugged at my heart.

Every inch of my body burned as I looked down at my hand, she didn’t look at me, but I could feel her breaths and the

drumming of my own heart as they fluttered in the air before being silenced.

"Santi is fine Santi."

Reluctantly, I said the one name that had been on my lips and dying to be unleashed all evening as I brushed a hand across her neck and into the thick hair at her nape.


She looked at me shocked.

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