
Fifty seven



Moments —They talk about moments being the best memories you never forget but for me it was more than that .

All I wanted was for this one chance I had with him to last forever, we stood there still looking at each other, his gaze settling on me and setting me on flames.

"What do you really want?" I asked.

Guess he might never get to know how bad I wanted him to speak and voice out whatever was it that was buried deep in his mind.

All that followed was silence, silence that was so engrossing.

I sighed. "You won't believe it if i tell you."

"Well, the world just seems different after I wake up."

A thick atmosphere hung in the air that I wouldn’t have expected in such a confined space.

For starters, there were still those goosebumps every now and then and I didn't know how in the hell to control it or stop my mind from spinning.

Or rather, the truth was I hadn’t exactly figured out what I would say, the world was at the back of my mind all jam-packed into a big hold of a mess that I was trying to find my way out of.

I could literally hear his heartbeat from where I was standing, the way he was looking at me didn't look like he had forgotten him, or like I was some kind of faded picture in his mind, I still felt the connection.

"Why did you even call back here?" I asked..

" Well I told you, I can't really say but you are in my head. "

" Haven't you thought it is because you might know me? "

As I said those words, It left a heavy weight that felt too much like lifting a heavy weight that had settled in my chest.

My body thrummed hoping that he'd get the details, that he'd see—my heart beating with a speed that made me feel

alive in his presence as I stared through the core of his eyes.

"I don't know, I am just so confused."

I stared at him not knowing the exact way to comfort him, should I hold him? Whisper in his ear that he would be fine.

I shut my eyes not knowing how best to deal with all of this.

"I saw you talking to my wife the other day and felt it would be best to just hear what you have to say. "

It pained my heart deeply that he called her that. I felt deeply hurt by his words. I tried as much as I could to search my mind to see if there was a way I could study his face and find out all that was buried within.

Too bad there wasn't, all I saw was the mad painting of a confused man by an insane artist painting with the refined sweep of a brush.

I wasn’t artistic but I knew all this was false, I knew he was broken and was trying to make his way home.

Would have lent a hand but how could I? When I don't even know what to start with.

Won't I turn the fool at the end?

Perplexed, we stared at each other, both of us not knowing what to say.

The gross majority of what filled my mind was when he was going to recover from all of this, the fact his mind was so messed up, the fact that he didn't know who I was, just complicated things.

I looked around at the ward that was a perfect square of blue,my clutch was still right there on the bed as I stared blankly at his face like it was a wall of concrete, like one piece of artwork.


I was about to speak but was disturbed by a loud cry that came from outside the ward.

From what it seemed a woman was outside firing questions at the nurse and looked to be furious, still wondering who that could be. The door opened and Martha walked in.

She opened the door an inch as something pounded in my chest.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, sounding so pissed.

I walked toward him. " I have to go now. "

He looked at everyone surprised and confused.

" Good, that is the right thing to do, walk away and never come back. "

I totally ignored her as I walked out of the room.

Right there in my mind was the fact that hadn’t lived a picturesque life, he added colors to it, he had always done that since I met him but then having him missing in my life struck me differently.

My heart stilled for a split second before I narrowed my eyes. I stood by the park waiting for my cab, from the corner of my eyes I could see the figure of Martha making her way down the escalator.

I have had reasons for putting up with her in the past, but I didn’t have to deal with this from a different point as I was at that moment.

I took a step to leave, but she called my name. "Glenn." making hasty steps to reach where I was.

I rolled my eyes. " What do you want?"

“Stay, I need to speak to you..” It wasn’t a suggestion but neither was it demanding.

Why did she want me to stay when it was obvious we had nothing in common?

In a way her tone sounded rude and


"We need to speak."

I let out a shallow breath and Stepped back from where I was standing. I looked stupid waiting, but I was going to stay. I was going to listen to what she had to say.

Not because I wasn't irritated by her mere

presence or that it made something hot unravel inside me. It was the fact that I wanted to listen to what she had to say.

"We need to speak about Santi and what is good for him."

"What do you want? "

" How much would it take to stop seeing him? "

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