
Chapter 109.

Blair's POV

Throwing the covers off, I fumbled for my clothes, scattered haphazardly across the floor. My dress, thankfully, was salvageable. I threw it on, wincing at the sharp sting in my ankle from the forgotten blister heel I'd insisted on wearing.

Just as I reached the bedroom door, the sound of clattering dishes reached my ears. My stomach lurched. He was awake.

Taking a deep breath, I crept towards the door, hoping to slip out unnoticed. But the aroma of frying bacon and freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, stopping me dead in my tracks. My stomach, traitorously empty after a night of liquid courage, rumbled loudly.

The sound seemed to echo through the quiet apartment. I winced, bracing myself for the inevitable confrontation.

"There you are," a cheerful voice boomed from the kitchen. "Sleeping beauty has finally awakened."

I peeked through the doorway, my cheeks burning. James stood by the counter, a spatula in hand, a playful smile on his face. He was dressed in a si
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