
Chapter 110.

Blair's POV

He chuckled, the sound warm and genuine. "So, coffee it is then. Tell me more about this oncology residency. What made you choose that path?"

I hesitated, surprised by his genuine interest. Most people's eyes glazed over when I mentioned the specifics of my job. But something about James, his easy demeanor and quiet attentiveness, made me want to share.

"It wasn't always the plan," I confessed, taking a long sip of coffee. "I actually started out pre-med with the intention of going into pediatrics. But then my best friend's mom, who's just like a mom to me got ill and I..." I shrugged, not wanting to think about how painful it had been for both Amelia and I to find out about Mom's cancer.

and I just got swept up in the fight," I finished. "Seeing the way the oncologist explained things to her, the way she gave Mom hope, even in the face of something so terrifying… It inspired me. I wanted to be on that side of the equation, fighting for people's lives."

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