
CHAPTER 2: The Green-eyes

Chapter 2


I woke up to the sound of a voice, talking in the room, but knowingly, I shut my eyes not opening them.

"She is beautiful" I half heard a voice say, I could almost hear lust sounding in the voice that made the statement, "who knew something so beautiful could come out of someone so gruff like Roger" the voice added.

Roger? My dad, they were talking about me.

He was talking to someone else, my eyes were closed but I could feel the presence of another person in the room.

"What do you think?" The voice continued, obviously talking to the other person who hadn't till now said a word, "The kitchens? Delivery? Or the bed?" The voice asked.

Realization of what the voice was asking the person hit me, I was about to be designated into a work department in here, the kitchen must mean I tend to food duties, delivery I'm not so sure, working the beds must mean I'm to take care of the rooms, I concluded then tried opening my eyes a bit to check out what exactly was going on and who it's was I could feel in the room. When I did, my eyes came in contact with a pair of deep green eyes looking right back at me from where he sat in a chair across the bed right by the table, I wanted to close my eyes back but I couldn't, those eyes stared at me as though it was going to bore holes in me, the owner of those pair of green eyes also didn't bother to break the connection we held, while the other man in the room kept talking about whatever without noticing the tensions that had begun to well up in the atmosphere.

Alas, breaking the contact we held, the pair of green eyes looked at the other man who had been rambling on in a conversation that seemed to include only him and no one else, the green-eyed man said, "She'll work the beds," he said, "my bed!" he added in a final tone.

The guy that had been talking on and on stopped talking, with a disappointed look on his face, "When did you ever take anyone to your bed, Alex?" He said, looking to change his mind, I supposed.

Alex? Wait, Alex?

It hit me

The owner of those pair of green eyes was none other than the infamous Alex Gomez!!!.

I had heard a lot about him, but only few had the opportunity to see what he looked like, I guess I had now joined the few, and while I had been here, knowing fully well it was his home and base, It had never crossed my mind that I might end up meeting with him, but now that I did, I studied him more, his look was nothing compared to what he'd been described as on the streets.

On the streets, he was regarded as a merciless, cold-blooded murdering mafia boss who dealt in all sorts of illegal activities, from smuggling to money laundering to the sale of hard drugs and some even rumored that he murdered people who stood in his way, but the man here, the man before me looked nothing of the description I had heard about him, he was just a man, a handsome man with handsome features. His sea-green eyes complimented his nice dark hair that was looking so soft right from where I lay looking at it, his jawline perfect and his face smooth and spotless, his dressing was so perfect it and soothing his personality, even though he was right in his home, he's on a well-tailored Italian suit that screamed luxury.

I was brought back from my thoughts when the other guy who was in the room snapped a finger across my face.

"Earth to you mamacita," he said, fingers snapping, "what's your name?"

I turned my gaze to the man asking for my name and replied in a low tone, "Amelia."

"Amelia, hmmmm" he hummed, then turned to Alex "It's your first time wanting a payment paid with a human, so this time, I will let you have her Alex, but know this, you owe Vinny one," he said as he turned to leave.

The man named Vinny left the room and the door shut behind him and I was left with Alex who had up till now not said a single word apart from when he declared I'd work the beds, his bed. I pondered on what the statement could have meant for a bit but wondered what else could one do working for the beds except to of course make the bed ready for a good night's sleep, I felt relieved in my heart, maybe my time here wouldn't be as tough as I had thought, I had imagined I'd be made to deliver drugs, or worse made a sex slave whom the men here could have any time and anywhere.

"How old are you Amy," Alex asked, after a while minute of silence in the room, "can I call you Amy?" He added.

"I'm 21, and yes, you can call me Amy, if you wish sir," I said, shyly and scared.

Alex looked at me, as though pondering on what to say next or if to say what he wanted to say next.

"21?" He said, his voice soft. In a way, I felt reassured of my safety each time he spoke. "You're young Amy, very young," he said.

The night breeze was cold and the thin layered gown I had on did little to keep me warm, so, I shivered, I watched as Alex stood from his seat, walked to the window right beside the bed, closed the windows, and dropped the curtains, at least he cares, I thought within me.

"There are lots of things that happen to people brought here," he began as though about to tell a story, while making his way back to the chair "For the ladies, they're mostly as a means of payment" his voice soft, yes intense, carrying some aura of authority as ge sooke each word "and of course I don't concern myself with most of the payments"

I felt a pang of pain in my chest as he referred to me just as a common payment.

"But when the debt matters to me, that is when the payment has to matter, and now" he paused, looking at me as though to make sure I was following, he spoke with so much ease and flow "your father's debt meant a lot to me, and so, you, the payment too" he concluded.

"And you will be staying here, in this house, forever," he said in a soft tone that yet sent chills down my spine, "but you'll be working my room, I will not have you now, but you have a week to get yourself ready and determined to be mine." He added, finally.

To be his? His? I pondered on what that meant and finally, I understood, he was going to keep me, as his whore.

"As yours?" I questioned, then he stood from the chair he sat in, walked to cover the small distance between the chair and the bed, then sat beside me.

"Yes, mine" he replied, paused then continued, "All you have to do is to do as I say when I say it" he added.

As though my answer wasn't needed, he stood from the bed, walked straight to the door, opened it, and before he shut it behind him, he turned and said "One week. But before you decide, you're to work in the kitchen" with that he left and I was left alone to ponder about my newfound fate.

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