
CHAPTER 4: The Perez Ambush



The encounter with the red haired girl Roger had dropped as payment left me thinking hard through the remainder of the week, I kept having flash backs of how she looked in the soft light of the night, her bright curly red hair tumbling down her shoulders in beautiful locks right to her waist line, her deep brown eyes that should have been a contrast to her wavy red hair but somehow fitted so perfectly it made me hard right at the sight of it, I remembered as her gown hung tight to her body and every curves as though she's born with it, and right now, as i watched her wash the dishes like I've done countless times through the week, i felt horrible for assigning such beaut to doing such a tedious task, I watched as she wiped off a trickle of sweat from her face with her hand, and as she washes the dishes, her locks of curls kept tumbling in her face, she kept pushing them back in place but the rebellious curls wouldn't stay, and in one swift motion, she packs them in a ponytail revealing an elastic band I hadn't noticed in her hand to pack the beautiful disobedient curls, i loved her hair better when they're flowing than in ponytail, she looked beautiful like that, but still, even in the ponytail, she still looked pretty, i smiled.

"You like her hmm?" Vinny said teasingly as he appeared behind me.

"No," I lied.

"Well then, I like her, I want her," he said, the proclamation of what he wanted from her made me furious, as to why. I didn't know, but I sure was furious as hell that another man could even look at her and want her as much as I do, that's wrong and unacceptable, she's mine, or soon she'd be. The disgust and anger towards Vinny's statement must have been evident on my face.

"Just kidding, just kidding," he laughed, raising his hand in surrender, "Evelyn would kill me if she heard that" he added.

"Why would I kill you?" Evelyn said from behind us making Vinny half jump in fear, he feared her, she was carrying a basket full of used plates ready to be washed in her hands and my heart sank knowing fully well Amy would be made to wash those. As Evelyn made her way closer and closer to where we stood, "And what are you two doing here? You rarely visit these parts of the house," she added, glancing at us both as she spoke.

"Alex is In love" Vinny replied, in an attempt to get Evelyn off his back, well, he succeeded.

"With who?" Evelyn asked surprised and with a smile on her face, Vinny gestured his hands towards Amy, and as Evelyn saw her, she smiled.

"I'm not in love," I declared, I knew I wasn't, I wanted her, it's different from loving her, I wanted to know what she felt like, what she smells like, I wanted those fragile hands on me instead of on those goddamn dishes she's washing, I wanted to feel her around my length and get it out of my system, and that's all.

"Should I help you out?" Evelyn asked.

"No!" I said and started walking back to the elevator, Vinny followed closely behind, leaving Evelyn where she stood, and soon after, she started walking toward Amy.

Vinny kept glancing back at his Evelyn as we made our way to the elevator, I knew he loved her, more than anything, and lucky for him, she loved him too, they'd met after Evelyn had been sold here to pay off her brother's debt, and after they fell in love, Vinny had tried his best to make her stop working in the kitchen but she'd always declined, saying she felt fulfilled and purposeful working down there, whatever that meant.

We stepped into the elevator where it was just us two in it, and then Vinny started

"The new gang from Cali, the Perez they call them on the street," he paused, I gave him a nod to continue, "They've about 5 of our gangs now with them, things are getting serious, and a war could brew out soon, our boys? They're angry, they keep stopping them in the middle of operations, stealing their goods and hurting them" he said, concerned, "you know Lucas? Those bastards shot him in the leg, poor Lucas is now in the hospital getting treated" he concluded.

We were now out of the elevator, walking in the hallway that led to our rooms which stood opposite one another, the only room on the top floor "The Perez? Fix a meeting with them, let's get this sorted, without no war" I ordered.

"Settle?" Vinny asked, surprised, he'd always been one who would take the problem out of the equation with violence instead of going through the pains of dialoguing.

"Yes, let's talk to them, you feel me? We could find a common ground to operate without having to fight one another and spilling blood, fix the meeting as soon as possible, the days is still fresh, we could go today" I said, Vinny nodded in agreement and with that, I turned my door nob and went inside.


I came out of the shower happy and expectant of what was to come tomorrow, maybe I was a little anxious too, tomorrow was the day Amy was going to be mine, and as I dried my hair lost in my thoughts, my phone started to ring, I picked it up, it's Vinny, swiftly picking the call.

"Get ready, they want to meet today," Vinny said to the receiver and hung up.

I got ready, walked out the door, got out, took the elevator down and Vinny and some vans were waiting for me.

"Are the boys coming too?" I asked.

"Yes, we shouldn't risk going alone, we don't know these folks," Vinny said.

"All of the ?" I queried again.

"Yes all of them, a gang war could break out for all we know," he said, as he waved his hands in the hair shrugging.

I said no more and entered the car, we reached the venue, we must have been early, cause there was no one there, just us. As we waited for the Perez to meet officially and at least put a face to the gang, out of nowhere, bullets started flying in the air, as everywhere got rowdy, Vinny called the retreat and everyone tried retreating to the vans, as I moved, I felt a tight pain, I touched the place and in my hands, I saw blood, and I realize, I HAD BEEN SHOT.

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