


I wanted to tear him apart at once. My claws longed to slice his throat apart and rip his flesh, but I knew I had to be calm. If the council of Elders heard about another murder, I was going to be in a lot of trouble.

I heaved a deep sigh and turned to face Martinez who was still waiting for my orders. His face was red with anger and his fists were balled. I guessed he was just waiting for me to give the order to tear Hermes apart. I wasn't going to do that however. If I allowed my anger get in the way one more time, things were going to take a disastrous turn for me. Alpha Demontes would surely use that to his advantage.

"You can leave us now," I said to him. "I would face the boy alone."

"But Alpha - " Martinez started.

"I said leave us," I growled cutting him short.

Martinez cast a quick glance at Hermes before bowing to me and walking away. He was angry but my orders were final.

Hermes on the other hand didn't seem to be pissed about the fact that I had referred to
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