


"How's Selena doing these days?" While we were wrapping up the itinerary for our customer, Sanjo, the event organizer and also a friend, inquired.

"She's doing better now; we didn't see each other much at home because of our jobs."

"Brit," he said, and when I looked at him, he wasn't looking at me and was concentrating on his papers.


"What if Wade suddenly appeared?" He offered a question that caused me to hesitate for a second. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say.

"Why did you asked?"

He stated, "I'm just curious," but I know there's more to it.

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen or spoken to him in a long time, and the last news I heard about him was that he was engaged to Samira "I uttered, recalling all of our memories from when we were in high school.

Wade and I had previously been lovers, and we were the catalyst for Haru and Haxilla's meeting. I also know Selena's boss, Jaxon, but we're not close and haven't spoken since then.

Wade and I have a good possibility of meeting because of Selena, or more accurately, Haxilla. I'm not sure how I'll react to him if we meet one of these days.

For a few seconds, we were engulfed in silence. When someone unexpectedly entered our workplace, the stillness was broken.

The first female that arrived is tall, with a model-like aura, and as the second one met my gaze, I gulped. She's still the same girl from high school who was always fighting on me.

Sanjo addressed her as "Samira." She gave him a phony smile, and I know she despises everyone close to me, especially Haxilla.

"Hello, we're here to schedule a wedding appointment. You're good at organizing and hosting, according to a lot of my friends "she stated as she sat in the visitor's chair.

"Oh, and please tell your friends that I appreciate them referring us. This way please," Sanjo aided them, but Samira remained seated.

"You may speak with her first; I simply need to speak with Britanny."

Sanjo gave me a nod as he gazed at me. He entered the conference area and approached Samira's friend. Samira leaned on the chair, staring at me, after they left.

Being in this scenario with her is a little awkward.

"How are you doing?" she inquired. I didn't respond for a while because I was surprised she would ask me that. I'm anticipating her to slam me with derogatory remarks and insults.

"I'm good; I'm a little preoccupied at work. What's new with you and Wade?" I responded with a question. She smirked and leaned on the table, her long nails tapping on it.

"Didn't you hear the news?"

"What news?" I inquired, perplexed. Her grin faded, and the pain in her eyes became apparent.

She no longer appears to be the same girl who used to hit, trip, and damage my reputation at school simply to get Wade away from me.

You could say she was obsessed with Wade back then. She'll go to any length to get him; she even put a party drug in Wade's punch before, but Haru got the drink, which is how we discovered the punch she offered had a party drug.

Since then, Wade has found her creepy, but destiny is having a lot of fun with us.

"Wade called a halt to our relationship."

I put down my pen and glanced at her, still stunned by her admissions. When she saw I was just staring at her, she forced a smile.

"How did Wade manage to call off the engagement? Isn't it his father's command?"

"You know that, but the truth is that I threatened him with suicide if he didn't marry me."

All of the information she provided is still being processed by me. While looking at her, I sat back in my chair, my chest feeling heavy. Wade almost made me detest him to death when he declared he couldn't back out of the engagement because his father would despise him.

Wade and his father have a wonderful relationship, which is why he can't say no to all of his father's requests.

But now I've found out that it was all a lie, that he only lied to spare Samira's life?

"What were you thinking?" I asked, keeping my cool and fighting back tears. That night I witnessed them kissing in a restaurant while I was soaked in rain, the agony has come back to haunt me.

"Since our childhood, you know how much I adore Wade. He's been mine since the beginning, and you're just interfering with our connection," Her demeanor abruptly shifted. She's definitely Samira Trivena, the girl who shattered my life.

While biting my lower lip, I nod my head. I got up and moved in front of her, and she used her eyes to gaze up. I smiled at her and smacked her across the face, hard enough that my fingers traced hers.

"You have no right to slap me!" She screamed and tried to smack me, but I grabbed her hand and clutched it tightly.

I was going to say something when her friend on our back spoke out.

"We need you here, Samira, to double-check all of the details for your wedding."

My brow furrowed in response to what I had just heard. Samira grinned and reclaimed her hands from mine.

"Do you think Wade will be able to avoid my love? In your dreams, that is." As she moved past me, she flipped her hair.

Are they still planning to marry? I turned around and peered at the door where they were currently conversing.

So she gave me hope and then shattered it? Is she just messing with my emotions the entire time we're talking?!

I sat down and covered my face with my palm; the tears I had been keeping back were now flowing freely. I'm not sure how I ended up here. I'm not sure what I'm going to do now.


"Thank you, he's already here!" I said when I saw Jaxon walking to us in the stage, I'm fanning myself because of it's too hot at my position.

We're currently outside the company to discuss the upcoming camping trip, which will take place in two days. I'm not sure what kind of insane idea it was for Jaxon to hold the meeting outside of the firm.

With a roll of my eyes, I handed him the microphone. I took a seat next to Wade, who handed me a tissue to wipe away my sweat.

"Good morning everyone," he said, as the employees clapped and shouted. "So, we'll start talking about what we need for our camping vacation in the next two days." I set up my laptop to record all of the mi nutes.

"Our campsite is on Havana Mountain, and we've already spoken with the staff there, who have consented. All we have to do now is keep the mountain clean."

He went into greater detail about what we will be doing on Havana Mountain. He's now talking about the stuff we'll need at the campsite after describing everything.

"As a result, the corporation has already paid for the tents and hotel accommodations. We just need food, prizes, the major prizes are held by Haru, Wade, and me, so we only need minor prizes, games, and, of course, the campfire. So, first and foremost, suggestions are now being accepted, so we'll going to talk about the foods first," Employees raised their hands to provide comments in response to Jaxon's statement.

I'm jotting down all of their ideas and votes on a whiteboard till we figure out what foods and beverages we'll have.

"Okay, so our meals at the campsite are quite delectable. By the way, in order to organize our holiday, we'll divide our company into five groups later. So let's now move on–"

"Wait a second," I said, interrupting him because I hadn't completed encoding the meals. "All right, go on."

"All right, let's get to the games; the suggestion board is now open."

I got back up and erased everything that had been written on the board. They're all recommending games I'm familiar with, so I raised my hands to stop them and ask Jaxon for the microphone.

"You may suggest all the normal games like tug of war, hide and seek, and whatever else you want, but it'll be more fun if we add a twist," I suggested, and they all agreed. We'll keep recommending and voting until we've taken down all we need.

"So now this bowl will select the rewards, activities, snacks, campfire, and luggage checking for the five groups that will be held."

I presented him with a bowl holding the names of the many departments within the corporation.

"Accounts and Finance, as well as the Software Development Department, are responsible for the foods. So this is where you may go."

The staff migrate to the open area's left side. Because of their whispering, their region resembles a honeycomb full of bees. I've noticed that Jaxon is shuffling the papers at a slower pace.

"Could you just move quickly?" angry, I inquired. He chuckled and went to collect more papers.

"HR and Design Department, you've been allocated minor or consulation prizes," he added, pointing to the areas where the two departments need to move.

"What? Accounts and finance ought to be the focus."

"It's so unfair!"

"After that, you'll be allocated to games by the marketing and media department. So, for the security and server departments, inspect your bags. The bonfire is for the others."

After the meeting, Jaxon offered them 30 minutes to talk about what they needed to accomplish. When someone prodded me, I was preoccupied planning the itinerary.

"Just tell me what you need," I responded, my gaze never leaving my laptop.

While handing me a box, an employee said, "Someone wants to give you this." When I accepted the box, my brow furrowed.

"Who did you get it from?" I inquired, and he shrugged and pointed to the company's front gate. There's no one there save for a black BMW parked nearby.

"I don't know," he continued, "she just handed me the box and said I needed to give it to you." Before he walked away, I thanked him.

I put the box down first and finished what I was doing. Someone passed by my front and accidentally kicked the box. It opened and a huge snake suddenly came out.

"AAAAHHHH!" I shouted and bolted, fleeing the snake. I have no idea where I'm heading; all that matters now is that I get away from the enormous serpent.

When they saw the snake creeping, everyone was terrified. Wherever I walk, I feel like the snake is following me.

I ran till I came into contact with someone. He put his hands on both of my shoulders to see if I was okay, and he asked me questions, but I was too dizzy to grasp what he said.

With his speech reverberating in my ears, my head and chest feel as if they're about to explode. He's still talking to me until it all turned black.


"How will we be able to give them the 32" flat screen television?" If they put it in their luggage, it'll be heavy," Wade said, tapping his pen on the television picture on the list.

We're discussing about the big items we'll be giving away during the raffle draw. I'm just sitting here quietly contemplating our camping obligations.

"We can give the appliences once we get back at the company," Jaxon said that we all agreed.

"Aside from these awards, is there anything else we can give?" Wade inquired once more. I was going to say anything when my phone rang.


[In the next minute, something exciting will occur.] I'm not sure who it is because the voice is hidden behind a voice changer.

"What exactly do you mean? Who are you?" When I asked, Jaxon and Wade stared at me with puzzled expressions.

[Three, two, one.]


A distant cry roused the three of us, and I spotted Selena fleeing from a big snake.

"Shit!" I screamed and dashed over to Selena, the other staff fleeing in all ways.

"Calm down, Selena!" When she bumped into me, I said something while shaking her. She didn't respond to me and suddenly passed out.

"Take her to the clinic!" I said to Wade and lift Selena. When I turned around, I noticed a familiar BMW passing through the main gate.

No, it can't be.

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