


"W-who are they?" I asked when we saw a two corpse in the lab. My heart beat raced and hoping that they are not my parents, maybe, these two are just an employee here before.

"I don't know... oh, it really stinks." Jacob covered his nose and walked away from the bodies.

My heart can't stop on thumping while I'm walking closer to the bodies, it felt really different. You know that feeling that you found the thing you're looking for a long time, I don't want this feeling, like it saying that they are really my parents.

"W-we can know who they are by DNA, right?"

He shook his head, "We can, but someone will be here any hour from now."

My frows burrowed, "Someone knows this place, I mean, what's inside this house?"

"Hmm," he nods, "Someone that you can't see each other."

"Why?" I asked, but he looked up instead and pull me outside the lab, "Wait, where are we going?"

"We need to go now."

I didn't speak any more and followed Jacob where he would carry me. We're now at his car, he's right, someone else knows that house.

"Wait, that's Jaxon's parents," I said while looking at the three people who are standing at our front, quite far away from us.

They entered the house while Jaxon stepped out of the car to do a phone call. I'm just staring at my front while thinking what are they doing here and how did they know this place... ah, it's a former site of Kathleen's event's place, maybe they used this place before. But what is this odd feeling?

I shook my head to sweep away that thoughts, I'm just being paranoid. I need to get back here to roam the whole place, it's one of the way that I can know what happened in my past as Serena.

Jacob get back again at the car with a smirk on his face, "What's with that smirk?" I asked, he looked at me, that smirk turned into a little smile and looked forward.

"Lets countdown?"

"Countdown for what?"

"For a huge surprise." He smiled again, we both look at our front.






As Jacob said, "Boom," the two fancy car in front of us exploded. I can't clearly hear how loud the explosion is, but those cars already eaten by a fire. Mr. and Mrs. Silvenia shouting hysterically, especially Mr. Lerion, who almost collapsed from what he just saw.

"What happened...?"

Jacob starts the car and turned around, "Mr. Lerion love those cars more than his own son. How cruel to heard that, right?"

"You know them? Ah, I forgot, you're the CEO of the company that they always compete with. That's a part of your plan to bring down the Silvenia?" I asked.

"Yeah, sort of," he sighed, "But, I have a main reason why I did that to him."

I just nod at him and didn't talk to him again all along while we're on the road. He drops me off in front of our house that made me shocked and confused because I never mention to him where our house is.

Maybe he noticed that I'm confused, so he laughed and stepped out of the car to open the door for me, "Don't think too much, your address is known by anyone in the business world. I'll go now, take care."

"Hmm," I waved at him when his car drove away.

When I'm at the door, my forehead creased when I saw a silhouette of someone.


"Let's go to their house, perhaps she's there right now," I said to Raven while holding his hands.

"If she's there, do you think that we should give her a space to breathe first? Maybe that's the reason why she disappeared all of a sudden."

I shook my head, "I need to see my sister... just to check how is she or what happened to her to disappear for almost a month. She never called us since Jaxon leave the country."


"Please? I really need to see her to calm me down."

He nods his head and get to the car to go to Selena's house. When we got there, the place is so quiet and has this heavy atmosphere, like something bad happened inside it.

We entered the house and I run straight to their room, no one's there. There's no mess here, but I'm shocked when the closet has only a few clothes on it and there's no luggage left here.

"She left?" I asked myself.

"Yes, I left, and you also need to leave my house now."

That voice.

I looked behind me and Selena is standing at the door, and blankly staring at me. She lost weight and her tummy is getting larger, maybe because it's already a month.

"You're back." When I tried to hug her, she stepped back and move aside, "Selena..." I said while looking at her, she's mad at me, I know it.

"Leave, I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone."

"Selena, please..." I want to hold her hands, but she's really avoiding me. She looked at my eyes, her eyes are so cold and blank, you can't read what's going in her head.

She walked past to me, "Make sure to lock the main door and gate when you leave," and slammed the door in my face.

Raven is waiting for me, his eyes are red like he cried, "What happened to you? Why did you cry?"

He smiled at me and hold my hands, "Let her to rest first, huh? She'll be fine sooner, just give her time."

I stopped walking and pulled him back to face me, "What happened?

He stared at me and looked up, I also did that and saw Selena walking down to go somewhere, she stopped at my front and looked at Raven.

"Do I need to call police just to drag you out of here?" she asked sarcastically, that made me hurt.

"What happened to you? Jaxon just leave the country, you didn't need to be this rude to me. You don't know how many nights I didn't sleep because I'm so worried to—"

"You're the reason why I left without saying anything. Now, leave," she said and pointed the door. I slapped her to wake her up, she's gone crazy now. She lost her manners.

"Fine, I'm sorry if I gave you those medicines. I'm just—"

She smirked sarcastically that made me stopped from talking, she got her phone and dialed someone, "Hello? Ah, there are a trespassers here at my house..."

What the fudge? Trespassers?


"... maybe an hour ago. They're not moving now to leave.

Raven pulled me out of the house. I looked back at the main door where she's standing and watching us to leave. Is that really Selena? I know that she's rude sometimes, but not this kind of rude. She's rude, but she still cares about your feelings and knows her limitations, the way she acted earlier is really different.


"Selena..." I said as I saw her entered the house with her luggage, she's just staring at me.

I looked around first to ease my nervousness, "Ah, Haxilla wants to check if you're already here, that's why we're here. I'm sorry for trespassing."

"Your mother's name is Karen, am I right?"

My heart beat raced, how did she know? Did someone tell her everything now?

"Y-yes, how d-did you know?"

"Why are you not on your mother's side when you're young?"

"I... w-who told you about that?"

She sighed, "Your mother should be on your side, instead of other's child. You felt jealousy to that kids once in your life because they feel how your mother care and love."

"What do you want to say now?" I'm holding back my tears, she didn't know anything. She didn't know how hard and shameful it was for me that my own mother can't take care of me before.

Little did she know that she's the girl that I envy so much. Her name was repeatedly said by my mom back then when she's calling to me, there's no day or time that she'll forget to mention her name to me. I should be hating her, but my mom came back to me now and there is no reason for me anymore to be mad at her.

"That those kids live in miserable life because of your mother," she said and walked past to me.

What did she just say? My mother made them miserable?

My mother almost died just to keep her alive and safe, how dare she to tell that in my face. If I'd known that she will be like this, I should tell my mom that leave her dying with her parents. That brat.

"What happened to you earlier?" Haxilla asked again, I suddenly feel irritated because she asked that question again for the nth time.

I sighed and controlling my anger, "Just let her be alone for the mean time."

"Raven, you—"


She looked at me with a shocked reaction, my hands hold tight at the steering wheel and stepped on the gas, so we can get at the house quickly.


"You can't find that rascal who exploded my cars?"

"I'm sorry, but he hid in the blind spot. It's impossible—"

"Are you throwing yourself at the hell?"

"W-we look throughly again, I'm sorry."

He walked quickly and get out of my office. I throw the glass at the door and leaned, "Who the heck are you? How dare you to play dirty with me."

I took my phone and dialed the number that called me earlier before the explosion happened.

[Did you enjoy the explosion party earlier?]

"Who are you?"

[Argh, I'm tired to hear that question. Can you ask me other questions than that, hmm?]

My fist clenched, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I shouted, my men rapidly entered the office. I waved my hands to say to go out.

[It hurt my ear, your parents didn't teach you manners?]

"Make sure that you won't show your face to me, you son of a bitch!"

[Ha, goodness, now I know the reason why did you steal your brother's invention and money before. You're an idiot.]

"W-what?! How did you know about it?"

[Well, the gossips can fly. Don't worry, only few people know the truth behind it. Bye.]

I throw my phone and turn upside down the table in front of me. I thought that silly girl is the only pest of my life, she brought a friend. Ha, he didn't know how big the mess that he's trying to face, he's literally facing the hell.


"Hi love, uhm it's been a month, I think, since you left. There are so many things that happened here, it's a story that I must tell you, but it seems like you're too busy just to pick up your phone..."

I wiped my tears and hold my stomach, "... there's someone else who is waiting for you, love. Make sure to come back quickly, huh? She'll be excited to meet and hug you, for sure."

My hands began to tremble, and my phone fell on the floor, I hold my chest that starts again to tightened. My mind is going to explode because of confusion and fear, it's all mixed up in my mind, and it makes me feel so dizzy.

"Hello?" I answered to an unknown number that called at me.

[Can you open the door for me?]

"Who is this?" I stood up and fixed myself.

[Jacob. I bought you some foods.]

My eyes widened when I opened the door and saw him standing there with two bags of foods and some clothes. He smiled at me and showed me the bags that he's holding, "Ah, I noticed that you're so pale earlier, so I thought that you're sick. Can I come in?"

"A-ah, yes. Come in." I moved aside and he followed to the kitchen. He helped me to prepare the foods and ate with me.

"Did go to check up regularly?" he suddenly asked, that made me to stop.

"Why should I to take a check-up regularly?"

"Because of your baby?"

I put down my spoon and look at him, "How did you know?"

He shrugged, "I just noticed earlier."

I shook my head and drink a water, "I'll go next week."

"Do you mind if I'll come with you?"

"Why? You're pregnant also?"

He smiled, "Of course not, I just want you and your baby to keep safe."

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