
Chapter 2

I arrived home after a long day. I fell on my couch, leaning back. I shut my eyes, took a sharp breath and exhaled softly.

What a rotten day. Cynthia dare ruin my day, however, the image of the beautiful face of that lady from the restaurant was presented immediately by my brain and I quickly sat up.

"Who is she and where does she stay? I hope she stays around. I want her. I want to know her. What do I do? First things first. I'll go freshen up."

I grabbed my bag and left for my bedroom. 

I dropped my bag on the bed, undressed and went into the bathroom.

After a nice cool shower, I returned to my room, rubbing my chest, feeling my handsome body. Well built masculine body that everyone woman in Las Vegas longs for. I mean, who wouldn't want to have a taste of this massive and sexy body?

Maybe, that's why Cynthia shot her shot today. Well, fucking her wasn't that bad, but she lacked some flavours.

I changed into a pair of ash joggers and white vests.

I grabbed my laptop and went downstairs. I dropped my laptop on the couch and went into the kitchen to fix myself dinner. Turned out my maid prepared my dinner before leaving.

She's not a living-in maid. Didn't like the idea. I preferred you do your work and leave, while I have my house all to myself. 

I wouldn't want returning home to get a full body massage and I end up seeing her face. My dick would go flaccid.

I microwaved the food and left for the dining room to have my dinner. I started off with my lovely meal which I devoured cause I was hungry. I returned the plates and cleaned them, placing them carefully on the rack.

I left the kitchen with a glass of wine, I deserve it.

I enjoyed the wine while enjoying a movie on the TV.

After a few minutes, I decided to roundup with the work I was doing at the office.

I grabbed my laptop and placed on the table and started off with my work.

Minutes into working, I became exhausted. I was long due for a massage. I leaned back and shut my eyes.

I quickly recalled the incident from the restaurant and I couldn't stop thinking about the lady's body. Her chest and how her hips swayed and how that beautiful ass of hers danced perfectly while she walked.

I began to get horny and next minute I was fully erected. 

I opened my eyes and noticed a budge down there.

"Damn it , I'm fully erected. I need to have someone take care of this thing. Well, I've got hands but I do not like to jerk off myself. I would love it if a lady does that.  Who I call?

I grabbed my phone from the table and scrolled through my contact list. I paused between two names. Cynthia the bitch and Sonia the devil. I'd rather have Sonia come over than have Cynthia come.

I dialed Sonia's number, hoping she picks.

Sonia picked up immediately.

"Jayden James Bruno speaking." I spoke in a deep low tone.

"Aww, so sweet of you to put a call across to me, JJ Bruno." She giggled.

I hate her.

"Yes, why? I sounded mad 

"I should be asking why, not you. So why did you call, after a decade?

"For you to come do your job."

"What job?

"I'm horny, come take care of JJ's mantle."

"I can't."

"Why not? I sat up immediately

"That's because, uh fuck!. She moaned

"Hold on, what are you doing?

"I'm busy right here?

"What? Let me guess, fucking some asshole! Tsk, tsk tsk. You're indeed a slut."

"Hey! Watch your tongue! Yes, deep babe. Harder! She moaned.

Exactly what I needed. Her moaning it's turning me on the more.

"Fine! Enjoy your silly stuff. Hope he gets stuck in there! I cursed at her and hung up. "Damn it! I needed her. What do I do? Call Cynthia or...? No. I guess we're taking care of ourselves tonight, buddy."

I grabbed my laptop and left for my room.

I laid on my bed, so impossible to sleep.

I angrily sat up and checked the time. It was 12am. I couldn't fall asleep, that's because I couldn't get what I had desired.

Probably go to the club.

I grabbed my car key and went down to the garage. 

I got into my car and drove off.

I arrived at the Santos club and went in. I love it. Filled with people, colorful eye-catching people.

I hurried up to the VIP side and had my seat. I enjoyed them dance.

Some girls caught my eyes.

While watching, my drink was brought to me by some nineteen year old girl, who was almost naked.

She backed me, letting me check out her ass while she placed the drink on the table.

She pretended to loose balance and fell back, sitting on my laps, and felt my hard crotch.

I immediately pushed her off and she fell on the ground.

No matter how horny I am, I can never be turned up by some stupid minor and I can't even fuck a minor.

She glared at me with her eyes filled with fury.

She angrily stood up and cleaned up her knees.

"You! How dare you push me off like that!

"That's because I don't do minors. Swear you ain't one? I can bet you ain't more than nineteen, are you?

" you're crazy! She stamped her feet on the ground twice and walked away.

I scoffed and took a sip of my wine.

When the club got hotter, I went down and partied. I had few girls dance around me. 

After a good time, I drove back home.

I went straight to my bedroom and hit the bed and dozed off.

My alarm clock has been ringing for over two hours. I turned and shut it off. I was feeling so exhausted.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, yawning. I stretched my hand. What a night. 

My gaze fell on the wall clock and I was left dumbstruck. 

Am I seeing double? Probably my clock has gone bad. Maybe the battery is dead or the clock has stopped working.

I searched for my phone and found it under one of the pillows. I quickly checked the time.

"What? 8am! I screamed and jumped out of the bed. I slide my feet into the flipflops and rushed into the bathroom.

I had my bath and rushed off to my closet. 

I forgot to prepare my outfit yesterday. Damn it.

I grabbed a black trouser and blue short sleeve shirt. I got into them and wore my black loafer shoes.

I placed my laptop in my back. Wore my wrist watch and colognes, my necklace and bracelet. I checked out myself in the mirror and fixed my hair.

"Dark circles! How? I need to fix that too. " I grabbed a foundation, covered it up and touche it up with a setting powder, thanks to Louisa for leaving them behind.

I checked out myself again.

"Perfect. Now I'm good to go."

I grabbed my bag and went down for breakfast. My maid has already fixed my breakfast.

I had my breakfast and left for my car.

"Good morning Young master Bruno.". My chauffeur greeted.

"Save the greetings, Frank. I'm late for work." I said getting into the car. "Drive, and be fast."

"Yes sir."

While driving down to the office, I saw a familiar face walk out of some building.

"Stop the car! I ordered Frank. "Let down the window." I added

"Yes sir."

I looked out. Couldn't see her face clearly. She got into a car and the car drove off.

"Do I follow her? I mumbled. "The universe has given me a second chance but I've got a meeting by 9. What do I do? 

"Sir? Do I continue the journey to the office? Frank broke my thoughts.

"Huh? Uh, yes." I cleared my throat. "Yes, continue." I answered.

"Yes sir."

I wish I could follow her. Nice building though. I wondered if she lives there.

She was looking pretty in that blue red shirt and black skirt. Lovely corporate outfit. I wonder where she works.

Well, seeing her this morning lightened my mood, a good day to me.

I leaned back and smiled.

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