
Chapter 3

I was immersed in my work that I didn't realize it was raining already.

I finished up with the last file on my desk and stretched out. I leaned back and looked at the window when I noticed it was raining already.

I quickly glanced on my watch, it was 6pm already. I quickly packed up my stuff , grabbed my jacket , and left my office.

Cynthia who was already done with her work, was waiting outside my office.

"How do I avoid her? I thought.

"Sir, are you leaving already? Cynthia asked

"Yes why? 

"Sir, it's raining heavily outside, do you mind giving me a ride to..."

"Hold it" I said cutting her short. "Not your Uber driver. I pay you well, get yourself a car and stop bugging my life. Now, out of my way."

"Yes sir" Cynthia stepped out of my way and I continued my walk to the elevator.

I got in and there were a few staff in the elevator. They quickly stepped out of the elevator, letting me have all the space.

I got off at the parking lot. My chauffeur hurried over to me and took my bag from me.

I opened the door and got in.

"Good evening sir. How was your day at the office sir?

"Long and stressful. Drive."

"Yes sir."

I undid my tie and unbuttoned few buttons of my shirt and leaned back.

We were out on the road. The sound of the rain felt so good.

While driving, my chauffeur splashed water on some lady and the face looked familiar.

"My flavour? Stop the car this minute! I ordered my chauffeur.

"Why sir?

"I said stop!!

My chauffeur matched the brakes immediately and I got out of the car , under the rain, I ran to her.

She was under a shade, soaked in rain water my car splashed on her.

My huge figure appeared before her. She slowly looked up and I could bet she fell for me as I had noticed her jaw drop slightly.

I smiled at her and took a step closer while she took a step back. 

"Hello, miss." I said to her, still standing under the rain.

"Please come out from the rain. There's a space to stand and wait for a cab" she said pointing at the space.

"Thanks. " I said and moved to the space, and faced her. "I'm here to apologize to you."

"Apologize? For...? She asked in a surprised tone.

"For this. Your body, it's wet"

"Ah! Yes. A car had soaked me with the water on the floor. It's okay "

"I own that car. Actually, my driver was on speed and he didn't notice you standing there, but I did notice you, that's why I'm here to apologize "

"Oh, really? She blushed and moved her hair behind her ear.

"My type, soft and succulent" I muttered

"It's okay. He's not at fault. Blame the water on the floor"

"Maybe the rain?

"No. It's such a lovely rain. Do not blame the rain. And for this, forget about it, I'm okay. Don't worry about it." She smiled beautifully at me.

"Nice smile you've got there. " Fuck, I wasn't supposed to say that. "I'm not trying to hit on you, just..."

"It's okay. I get that a lot "

"A lot! I screamed, drawing people's attention. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scream. I was know."

"What? Don't I deserve the compliment?

"Of course you do. Didn't know there were a lot of people. Wow! Nice" I forced out a smile. "Competition then" I muttered. "Uh! Hey, missy, why don't I give you a ride home, instead of standing under this rain waiting for an uber. What do you think?

"I think it's lovely but my ride is a minute away from me"

"Come on, that's the lies they tell. I can bet he isn't close by "

"I understand but there are honest people out there too. Seems like my ride is here. "


She showed me a picture on her phone which had the same number with the one on the Uber ride she had ordered.

"See? Okay then, Mr, I'm leaving right. Take care" she waved at me and walked to the Uber.

Damn! That body is banging hot. How can she be so perfect. Her lower curves are so crazy. I want that ass that keeps bouncing like a hair. So soft to hold.

While staring, my car appeared before me and my driver rolled down the window of the driver's seat.

"Get in the car sir otherwise you will catch a cold"

"Oh, you're here. Yes. " I got into the car and we drove home.

I grabbed my bag and went in. My maid was still home.

"Serve him dinner" I ordered her.

"Yes sir."

I hurried to my bedroom and dropped my bag on the couch. I quickly undressed and went into the bathroom. I walked into the shower cubicle and put on the shower.

I was damn horny like crazy.

Her images kept flashing like moonlight. I quickly grabbed my mantle and began to jerk off until I released.

I exhaled. That's more like it.

Back to my senses, I hated the fact that I just masturbated. I do not like it at all.

Mum would kill me if she had seen me do that. 

Mum, mum. She hated the fact that I never had a girlfriend but I had girls around for night jobs and quickies.

I went down to have my dinner. My chauffeur and my chef has already left.

I had my seat and ate to my fill and returned to the Kitchen with the dishes which I dumped in the dishwasher to wash.

I grabbed a bottle of chilled water and left for the living room.

I fell back on the couch and relaxed, placing my feet on the table.

I grabbed the remote beside me and turned on the TV.

A steamy movie was going on. While watching, I was busy criticizing them for messing up the word steamy.

While enjoying the show, my door bell rang twice. I turned down the volume of the television to be sure I actually heard the door bell ring.

It rang for the third time.

Who in the world would be at my door under this rain by this time of the night.

I placed the remote on the couch and stood up.

I walked carefully and grabbed the baseball bat by the hallway, which I held tightly.

I checked out who it was and was left dumbstruck.

What the heck is she doing here?

I unlocked the door and opened it . Cynthia stood before me, soaking wet, dripping wet, her cloth glued to her body, her curves revealed. 

Oh boy, daughter of Delilah is here on a mission.

"May I come in sir? She asked, shaking from the cold.

"Uh, ah...yes. Do come in." I moved away from the door and let her in.

"Thank you sir"

I shut the door and locked it.

"What are you doing here, under the rain and by this time of the night?

"Oh! I dropped by at a friend's place to pick a few things, unfortunately she wasn't around."

"So, how does it relate to my house? Why are you here?

"Uh, it's really late and I can't go home"

"What? It's just 9pm, you can definitely go home"

"Ten pm sir"

"So? This is Las Vegas and it's."

"It's raining and everyone is at home. May I pass the night here? I promise to leave very early in the morning"

"Are you okay? Ain't you afraid of me? No, let me rephrase that question. Don't you have respect for me? I am your boss! The CEO of the company you work for! Have some sense Cynthia!!

"Sir, I have a lot of respect for you but I really need to change into some dry cloth, I feel so cold right here, please " her eyes begged.

"Bitch! I mumbled. "Sure. This way." I dropped the baseball bat and showed her to the guest room downstairs. "I'll get you some dry clothes. You wait here".

"Yes sir."

I shut the door behind me and hurried to my room. I opened my wardrobe and grabbed the sleepwear I had got for one my exes. 

I walked down to the guestroom. I knocked and walked in.

"Oh! Fuck it! I screamed.

Cynthia was naked. 

"What sir? Don't you love what you see? I'm sexy right?

"Do not move you daughter of Jezebel. Have them clothes" I threw the sleepwear at her. "And hey! Don't try anything stupid, got it?

"Yes sir. Sir...!


"I'm kind of hungry "

"The kitchen is by the left. Fix yourself something to eat. I'll be in my bedroom "

I walked out and shut the door behind me and leaned back. I took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Daughter of eve wants to seduce me. Never! I immediately left for my bedroom.

Two hours later, I was having a wet dream, I dreamt making out with my flavour, then I suddenly felt I was actually having sex in reality.

I opened my eyes, there was Cynthia doing the wildest thing a woman does with a man's mantle. This crazy girl was giving me blow job! How ! 

I thought I had locked the door, how did she get in? Oh I did lock the door but I had gone down to get some water from the kitchen and I had forgot to lock it again. Damn it!

I tried getting up when she stopped me from doing so, the next second she mounted me like a horse and began to ride me.

I tried getting her off my body but she did something crazy to me, daughter of Jezebel!!

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