

Ah now I have to see that idiot’s face. Why does this always happen? Relax, Karen. You have to go home; you’ll have to see his face. If he’s Mr. Devon, then you’re no less, Miss Karen. Come on, to Mr. Devon’s office,” I told myself as I approached his office.

After knocking on the door, I heard Devon’s voice inviting me in. As I entered, he looked at me seriously, questioning my presence.


I was busy in my work when I heard a knock on the door. “Come in,” I called out. As the door opened, Karen walked in. I couldn’t help but lift my eyebrow in surprise.

“You here?” I asked her, curious about her unexpected visit.

“Yes, my car broke down. You know about it, so I came to you. Can you drop me off at home?” Karen asked.

“You could have taken a Taxi to come to the office. What was the need to come here? Oh, I see. Which information are you here to gather now? Which file have you left behind this time? Hmm, I don’t understand what you’re up to. You can’t buy everything with money,” I r
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