
Buy You A Drink

**Fancy's POV**

“What do you mean? Do you two know each other? Is that why he's coming over?” I asked, anxiously. 

“There you go again. I thought I told you to brace yourself? I don't understand why he's here either, but we are not that close so I can only guess one reason he's coming over and that is because of you.”

I shook my head in denial. 

“That's highly impossible. There's no way he's here because of m-”

“Hi, ladies,” his deep husky voice echoed behind me and whatever I wanted to say disappeared into thin flames. 

“Oh hi, Kyle. You're here.”

At this point, my heart was beating fast, and I got confused if to just sit where I was or reply to his greetings. Just then, he showed up in front of me.

“Good to see you again, Fancy.”

I slowly looked up at his face and there, my heart skipped a thousand times. It was him I saw at the hospital. But seeing him now, looking more handsome than I had last seen him, seemed to have made me lose all of my senses. I just stared at him like a statue. 

“H…hi, Kyle,” I stuttered slightly when I realized he was waiting for a response from me. 

“Uhm guys, I think I need to excuse myself. My boyfriend will be here in a few seconds and I have to leave with him.”

“What?!” I exclaimed with eyes wide open. 

What was Nora up to? 

“Nora, why will you leave? Don't tell me you've forgotten that you're the reason I'm here,” I said the words in a whisper and under my breath. This way, Kyle will not understand what I'm trying to say. 

“I know, I know. But then I have to go. Why don't you have another tequila, it's still on me.”

What is wrong with Nora? She knows for a fact that I'm not here simply for a glass of tequila. 

“Not to worry, I'll keep her company. By the way, we have a lot to catch up on, Fancy. Don't you agree?”

I took a quick glance at Kyle who was staring at me with curved lips. I wish I understood what he meant by what he just said. What are we supposed to catch up on? It's not like we were ever friends to begin with. 

“Oh that's alright. I'll talk to you the moment I get to my destination, dear friend. But for now, please forgive me if it seems like I'm bailing out on you.”

Way before I could reply to what Nora was saying, she had stormed out of the club. 

Well good for her! She has a boyfriend, and it's only appropriate to bail out on friends for boyfriends. How ironic!

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the table, and this made me jolt away from my wandering thoughts. 

I looked up at Kyle and noticed that it was him who knocked on the table. 

“Hey, I'm right here. You don't plan to treat me like a ghost, do you?”

“Huh?” I muttered, feeling a little confused. Shit! I can't believe that I'm acting like the nerdy teenage girl from two years ago. What happened to deciding not to stutter in front of him or become lost for words. I swear I had prepared to confront him all these years. Why did I end up doing the things which I had vowed not to do? Just what in the world is wrong with me?

“Fancy, it seems you don't feel like talking to me. Are you still mad over what happened two years ago?”

When he said this, it piqued my interest, and so I sat up straight and leaned towards him with my eyes fixated on him. I need to prove to him that I'm not that nerdy girl who was always afraid to look him in the eye. 

“There's nothing wrong with me, Kyle and by the way, what do you mean two years ago?”

“About that …you see, Jacob told me you actually overheard what we said and it affected you. Though that was all he said but now that I've seen you I've been dying to ask you if that was the reason you suddenly left Mexico?”

My heart sank at his question, especially when he was looking me in the eye. 

“I don't know what you're talking about,” I muttered, averting my gaze away from him. God help me. I should be proactive not reactive!

“This means Jacob was right,” He said, staring at me with a creased brow like he was boring into my soul.

“Fancy, you never should have left because of what I said. I mean I didn't mean it the wrong way. In my opinion, the only reason you felt that way was because you're actually…"

My heart sank the moment he trailed off looking deep in my eyes. 

Oh, please no. It can't be what I'm thinking. He's wrong, I don't care what he wants to say to me, all I know is that he has the wrong idea. 

“You don't want me to say it out loud, do you?” 

What is he trying to do? Does he know about it or not? 

“Kyle, I don't know what stunt you're trying to pull here, but I can assure you that it's not what you think.”

“How so? I don't remember saying anything to you so how can you be so sure that it's not what I think?”

Fuck! I can't believe I messed up. This is all his fault. What did he actually expect me to say? 

“You know what? It's getting late, and I think it's time for me to get back home,” I stated, getting up from my chair. 

“But the night is still young, Fancy.”

“Well, not for me,” I muttered, making haste to leave. 

“I doubt that. I know you're a celebrity and over in New York, you work late nights.”

I froze when he said this. Slowly, I took my gaze towards him. 

“Wait, how the hell did you know about that? Have you been keeping tabs on me and for what?”

“Hey, slow down Fancy. I can tell that you're upset but in all honesty, you don't have to be.”

“What? I'm not upset. I mean, that happened years ago. What makes you think I would leave just because of that?” I asked, swallowing hard. To be honest, I never expected things to turn out this way. Why the hell did he have to remember what happened? 

“Alright, why don't you sit down. Let me buy you a drink, please.”

The last word he said in a whisper, and it kinda tickles my insides in a bad way. 

Shit! I can't believe I'm acting all stupid in front of him.

“Fancy, this will be our first time having a conversation, can you at least give me some minutes of your time?”

I heaved a deep sigh. 

“Fine!" I uttered with a roll of my eyes. 


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