
Trapped In The Past

**Fancy's POV **

It was the weekend, and I'm still in Mexico. My mom had gone back to New York, but I had to stay behind since I still needed to check up on my dad and make sure that he was okay. 

While I was having a glass of wine at the balcony, my phone rang, and I immediately took out the phone from my pants pocket. To my greatest surprise, it was a call from Nora, a friend whom I rarely ever called since I left New York. Nora is my neighbor and a plus size just like me. We've been talking on social media but haven't had the opportunity to meet for a proper talk since I left here. 

“Hello, Mama.”

“Oh, please don't call me that. How could you be so cruel, Fancy? You came back to Mexico and you didn't even border to call me.”

“Oh my goodness! How did you know?” I asked with a gasp.

“You don't actually think that there's anything that could be hidden in our neighborhood, do you? Well, I saw your brother earlier at the club, and he told me about your arrival.”

“The club. He goes to the club?”

“Oh come on, Fancy. We are way past eighteen you know. Anyone could go to the club our age.”

“Of course I know that. Just that I never thought he would be so social.”

“That's where I work, so I mostly know things going on around here.”

“What? You work there as well?”

“Yes. You know what, I'll send you the address so you can come meet me at the club. What do you say?”

“Sure, I'll be more than willing to visit you.”

It didn't take up to five minutes before Nora sent the address to the club to me. Immediately, I changed my clothes into something a little appealing for a club before setting out. 

As soon as I arrived in the club, I sighted my friend at the bar area of the club, serving drinks. I smiled when I noticed she had lost a lot of weight, and she also looks beautiful. 

Just then, she caught sight of me and quickly waved in my direction. 

The club was filled to the brim, and so I couldn't help but wonder how she got to recognize me among the crowd. 

As soon as I got to the bar area, Nora gave me a glass of tequila. 

“Your favorite, like you said over the phone.”

“My goodness Nora, I can't believe you still remember what I said to you.”

“Of course, and that's because I truly admire you as my best friend. Wait for me for a few seconds, I'll get changed.”

“Huh? I thought you're working.”

“Yes I am, but I'm done for the day.”

“Wow! That's nice. Alright, I'll be waiting for you over there,” I said, pointing to an empty seat close to the extreme end of the club.

“Alright, I'll meet you there. Just wait for me.”

Nora and I had a great discussion. I can't believe that we would actually have a lot to talk about, considering the fact that it's just been two years since we last met each other. I got to find out that Nora was able to lose weight due to a new guy she's seeing. 

“Tell me Fancy, any guy on board now?”

“Huh?” I muttered and at the same time, my mind flashed to the person I saw at the hospital days ago. 

“N…no one.”

“What? No one!” Nora exclaimed wide-eyed and this got me startled in fright that I quickly looked around to see if anyone actually heard us. 

“My God, Nora! Will you keep it down?”

“I'm so sorry, I'm sure I must have scared you with my screams.”

“Hell no, you did more than just scream at me. Why did you have to react that way, though?”

“Fancy, I don't know how to put this, but don't you think there's something wrong with you?”

“Something wrong with me? How so?”

“I mean, you never had a boyfriend even when you were here. Now I know you're a big shot celebrity and I strongly want to believe that it's time to get yourself a man. But what did you just say to me? You said you have no guy. Are you seriously kidding me, Fancy?”

“I know that as the celebrity that I am, everyone is expecting that I'll get myself some man, but that's not as easy as you think it is, you know.”

“Wait a minute, don't tell me that you're actually this way because of him.”

“Who?” I asked with a creased brow.

“Who? Are you kidding me right now, Fancy? You know who!”

When she said this, it suddenly dawned on me who she was referring to.

“What the fuck are you saying? It has nothing to do with him.”

“Oh yea? I know he was your first love. Don't tell me you're still in love with him.”

“Nora, don't be ridiculous! Do you have any idea what you're talking about? In love with the guy who called my weight hard work?”

“Fancy, come on, that was two years ago, and I don't think he'll remember that now.”

“Well, I don't care,” I said with a roll of my eyes. 

But honestly, I don't know if I could truly stay mad at him for what he said to me two years ago. I took a sip of my tequila to clear my head. 

“Speaking of the devil, he just came in.”

“Who?” I asked, confused.

“Who else, it's you know who,” Nora stated, winking at me. 

At that moment, I realized what she was talking about, and I couldn't help but go frozen at her statement. 

“Hell no! Does he come to this club often?” I asked, wide-eyed. 

“Hello…this is a club your brother frequents, what makes you think you wouldn't run into him? They always come here together during the weekends.”

“What?! At least you should have told me earlier before now!” I snapped in panic. 

“Fancy, what's wrong with you? It's not like your mortal enemy just walked into the club. My goodness, chillax girl.”

I blinked and immediately gulped down the tequila without keeping remnants. 

How could he just come in here only when I decided to see my friend? But then again, why am I suddenly feeling this way? It's not like I did anything wrong. They were the ones who said bad things about me anyway. 

Immediately, I cleared my throat. What's the use of being scared? 

“Fancy, are you okay?”

“Of course I am. Why? Did you think I'll lose it because he's here?”

Nora went wide in surprise. 

“Woah! Then let's say I'm the wrong one here. And better brace yourself now because he's actually coming over to our direction.”



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