
Kyle's Revenge Plot

**Kyle's POV**

“Son, when did the lawyer say I can leave? It's been years now, and it's traumatic.”

Staring at my dad, I felt so dispirited. I was 11 years old when my dad was sent to prison which means he had spent ten years in here. 

The young and vibrant man I know had become so frail and weak. There are now wrinkles and lines on his face. His beards had overgrown, and he didn't look like he was being properly fed. But what breaks my heart most was what I'm about to tell him.  

“Dad, I have spoken to the lawyer, seeking the motion to reopen your case, but he said it'll be difficult to request for reopening since it's been a long time and there's no concrete evidence yet.”

The expression on my dad's face held nothing but disappointment and weakness, and this broke my heart terribly. Whenever I came to prison to see him, thisway, it further fuels my thirst for revenge. 

I had said I wasn't going to shed a tear but seeing him this way made it impossible for me to control my tears. I looked away immediately and wiped the little tear that stood at the corners of my eyes. 

“Son, don't worry. I'm sure we'll get our chance,” he said and coughed badly at the same time. I quickly turned around in panic. 

“Dad, what's wrong, why is your cough getting worse?”

“Hey, don't worry about me. I'll be fine.”

He said with a smile but deep down I know he's not. My dad has gotten old in prison and his health has deteriorated tremendously. This cannot go on. This is one of the reason I must make the Logans pay for what they did to my father. 

Mrs. Diana Logan dared to accuse my dad of fraud and molestation simply because they were competing for the same position at the company where they worked years ago.  She lied against my dad for what he didn't do and this led to him being imprisoned for what he never did. Not only that, due to the shock of what happened to my dad, my mom became traumatized to the point she took her life in the process, making me an orphan with no parents around. 

How could the villain stay happy with herself and family after destroying another family? I must take my revenge! I folded my hands into a tight fist and gritted my teeth. 

“Kyle, are you okay?”

My dad's question quickly snapped me off my thoughts. 

“I'm okay dad,” I said, trying to flash him a false smile. 

“Kyle, I understand how you feel, please you cannot do anything like trying to get revenge, do you understand me?”

“Dad, what do you mean?”

“Kyle, I know you. I still remember what you said when I came to jail in my first year. You said you'll avenge me and your mother, but then you were put under the care of an orphanage. I want to believe that you don't think the same way as you did ten years ago.”

I can't let my dad find out what my true plans are. 

“Dad, you have nothing to worry about. Though I wasn't happy about what happened to you back then, I'm going to let bygone remain bygone. I just want to have you released from prison.”

“Oh that's such a relief then,” he said, heaving a sigh. 

If only my dad knew that I had already started my revenge plans. 

For this, I chose a school the son of my mortal enemy went to, and I befriended him. 

I started by causing the accident that almost killed Jacob's father. But then, he was since he saw the truck on time, which only gave him a minor injury. I still can't accept the fact that my first attempt had failed when I had planned my revenge for years. 

But not to worry, my plan B was to get the families together just so I can get my revenge. When I visited the hospital just to spy on them, I noticed that the witch was there. 

Now, more than ever, I cannot relent. Whenever I think of how my mom hung herself from trauma, all I want to do is tear the Logans to a thousand pieces. That family do not deserve to live and I will forever detest The only way I'll find rest is if they meet a brutal end.

I left the prison where my dad was locked in and headed back to my apartment. I went straight to the basement where I had the whole Logan family on an investigation board. 

I took out a red marker, and contemplated on whom to attack next. 

I wasn't going to stop simply because my first attempt had failed. I'll continue to attack them until my plans fall in place. At least they deserve that much owing to what they had done. They should pay with their lives for everything they did!

Just as I was looking for whom to attack, my gaze fell on the youngest, Fancy.

I still remember her name.  

I took my red marker and encircled her face, but for some reason, I developed a weird feeling. Was it because I saw her for the first time today after she left school two years ago?

She looked different and honestly when our eyes met back at the hospital, I became confused. I don't know if it was because it's been a long time since I saw her or because she now looks different. And the dress she was wearing...

I've never seen her wear a dress before except for the hoodies she always wore. Matter of fact, I've never seen a girl look so beautiful in a dress like Fancy. 

Shit! What was I thinking? 

“Get your head in the game, Kyle!” I yelled at myself. But then, that did not help. Now that I recalled seeing her, she seemed to be stuck in my head. Why such despicable feelings? 

I began to pace the room and bit my lower lips in frustration. 

She's the daughter of my enemy and when I say I want them to pay for what they did to me, that includes her. But can I hurt her?

“Fuck!” I threw the marker I was holding against the board. I must be out of my mind! If this continues, then it's as good as me trying to ruin my plans.

Immediately, I thought of my mother who died because of them and also my dad who had grown old in prison. With all thesw things that happened, how on earth can I afford to mess things up? 

Just then, an idea struck. I think it's a good idea to have Fancy in the picture. She seemed to have a flare for me back then when we were in school. For this reason, I think I'm going to approach her by becoming her knight in shining armor, and of course, that will happen after I send my men to set the stage by pretending to hurt her for me to become the savior. If I'm able to do this, then she'll be my perfect link in getting to the other members of her family. 

I heaved a deep sigh. It seems there's a better chance of me taking my revenge and that is through, Fancy. 

A smile crept up my face, mere thinking of how to carry out my plan. 

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