
Author: Aliyyah



Little Isabella heads down the stairs gently holding the railing so she wouldn't fall. Her eyes  landed on a teenage boy standing close to the stairs. 

The eleven years old Isabella reaches the bottom stairs where the boy stood. Her parents weren't home, so her, her brother Ethan and her Nanny who had helped her down the stairs.

"Who are you?" She asked as her eyes landed on the tall boy in front of her. The boy looks down on her. The little girl felt intrigued by the boy in front of her. He was so fine, but when he smiles down on her, she was captured.

"Call me Quincy" he replied. Her eyes were filled up with joy by just standing close to her. Her heart was beating pretty fast. That's when it all begin. 

It didn't stop there. Isabella crush kept growing every single year, since they go to the same schools. And her brother's Saturday friends hangout in her house. Anytime she sees him, her heart race. But does she know the person behind that face. 



It's been a while now, it actually felt like forever. Today is finally the day I'm gonna see him again. It's been like this since I was eleven. My crush for Quincy kept growing everyday. I don't really know what to do about it. But I'm gonna make sure it's just a stupid crush and nothing more.

Quincy had left for science camp last summer and he's back. Today is Saturday so he's coming over tonight. I'm not supposed to be at my brother's Saturday friends hangout but I'm gonna sneak a peek. 

Nina, my best friend has always told me to stay away from him but I can't find it in my heart to do that. It's like he's a magnet that pulls me close. But he doesn't notice me. He only ever saw me as his best friend's little sister and nothing else.

I sigh. Good things never last. Now that mom and dad aren't home. They may probably wreck the house, or do those stupid drugs and alcohol they always do. 

My mind quickly react to the screeching sound of tires from out my window. I got out of my bed immediately and rushed to the railing outside my window. I look down to see Quincy's mustang coming in our gates. 

"Bella" I turn around to see Ethan, my brother, standing by my door. I walked back into my room. 

"Hmm?" I answered. 

"The guys are here. Don't come downstairs, okay?" He walks into my room and towards me. "It's past ten, why are you awake?" He asked. 

"I was studying" I lied. I couldn't stop thinking about Quincy. "Ethan?....." Should I ask him. "Why can't I come downstairs?" I asked. His facial expression changes. 

"Because, I care about my baby sister" he hugs me and peck my temple. It's always been like this. He always protects me. "It won't be nice for you to come downstairs. know what?" He starts. "We will be in the patio so you can come down if you need to get water or anything..... okay?" He said. I smiled excitedly.

I nod my head. "Yes" I replied. He lets go of me. 

"Good night, Bella." He replied. He walks out of the room. I sigh. I close my door. I'm gonna go down later when they are all settled. I overheard my brother saying girls cause they are welcoming Quincy.

I sat on my bed as I look at the time on my clock. I'll know the perfect time to head down. Soon it was thirty minutes past ten. I think I should go now.

I got out of bed and look at what I was wearing. I was wearing a pink silk short and crop. I think it's fine. I slowly open my door and sneak down stairs. I could hear the faint laughs coming from the patio. I tip toe towards the entrance and the laughter was getting louder. 

I nudge my head so I can see what they are doing. The first thing I saw was two lips eating each other. I searched for Quincy till my eyes landed on him. He just sat there innocently.

He's so cute. A girl was by his side as she pours a drink with white substance inside before handing it to him. I recognize all this girls from school.

She rubs her hand all over his body. I don't know where the anger in me starts to radiate. He should take her hands off him. I sigh. I wish that was me next to him. He took a sip from his drink 

His visible tattoo on his arm made him look really hot. I could hear the sound of porn videos and I could see my brother smoking. It's not a new thing to me, and he knows I know. But I love my brother and I don't really care what he intakes into his system.

I know I promised myself that I wouldn't come down to see him. But at the end of the day, I did. This stupid crush is driving me crazy. I wasn't wearing my glasses so I couldn't see properly at night. 

I noticed the handsome Quincy getting up from his seat, he walks towards the second door that leads to the living room. I gasp and moved away, turning on my heels.

I darted towards the stairs but it's like the devil hates to see me successed, there was an hoverboard on the floor, sending me flying. 

I yelp, thinking I was probably gonna land on the floor but instead, two strong hands held me in place. I didn't want to look. As long as it's anyone from that hangout, I do not wanna look.

But that sent, this scent was enough to let me know who it was. The scent that haunts me for years now. I turned around to look at Quincy. 

He was frowning down at me......or it's just how he keeps his face. "You could've hurt yourself, Issy" was the first sentence since forever. He always calls me Issy, since we first met.

"I......." He stood me up. I held my fingers before looking down. I always go dumb and timid anytime I'm close to him.

"You really look different without your glasses" he states, making me to look up at him. I smile. "Long time no see, Issy" he said. I was about to say 'same' but footsteps kept coming closer. 

"Fuck! Bella! Why are you downstairs?" Ethan rushes up to us as he whisper-yells at me. I look at him. "I told you not to come here" he pulled me by the arm before dragging me back upstairs. I look at Quincy but he was already walking away. 

I pulled my hand off gently. "I can't walk on my own" I pout angrily. He just embarrassed me in front of my crush. 

"Don't you know it's so dangerous for you to be down here?" He said way too angry. He's high. I quickly run up to my room and shut the door. I don't want to talk to him while he's high.

I got on my bed and turn on my laptop, I need to face chat with Nina. As soon as she picked up she rolled her eyes. "Let me guess, you saw him in your house and it's driving you crazy?" She said nonchalantly.

I frown with a pout before changing my expression. "Nina, I don't know what to do anymore, I can't stop this crushing thing. What do I do?" I asked.

Nina is my best friend since kindergarten. She's really close to Quincy, giving that her father is his butler. She knows him too well. "Bell, I don't know how I'm gonna put this for you to understand. But Quincy is not a good guy, he's really dangerous. And you need to stop this crushing thing before it gets you somewhere" she advised. 

She's right. But how do I get to stop this feeling. I'm like a big fan of him. He has been in my life since I was a child. "How do I stop this?" I asked her.

She taps her chin like she's thinking about something. She hums at the process. "Let's hang out tomorrow, we can look for guys of your ideal, that way, you won't set your mind on Quincy Grey" she grin. 

"Will there be ice cream?" I asked. She nods. "Cool, I'm in" I smiled. 

"So....... Is Ethan there?" She asked. This time I rolled my eyes.

"If you like him so much, just tell him. I'm sure he would be happy to hear that" I said with an angelic smile. She snarled and eye me like I just said the stupidest things.

"Let me tell you about guys, especially seniors. They downgrade you. If they don't like you, they'll just look you down like you just embarrassed yourself. So no, I prefer he likes me back" she said. "Look, Bell, it's late and I need to get some rest before school on Monday." She yawn. "Bye" 

"Good night" I replied before going off. I set my laptop to the side and lie on my bed. I couldn't sleep, I just kept thinking about Quincy and how he had held me. I'm so crazy. I'm sure he has like millions of girlfriends and I'm here. 

A knock came on my door. "Hey Bella, it's me. Can we talk" he asked.

"Are you still high. I can't talk to you if you're high" I said. 

"No, I've calm down, I didn't take much" he replied. I know he didn't, and he doesn't cause he has to clean up the mess his friends made.

I stood up and walk towards the door and opened it. I give him way and he walks in. He sat on the bed and I sat next to him. 

"I'm sorry I yelled at you" he spilled. I sigh before looking at my fingers. "It's just that......I'm not proud to say it in a way but my friends aren't the type to people you should get close to, especially Quincy Grey. Look, I want you to be happy. I'm not gonna stop you from talking to them or sitting with them but I just want you to promise me that you won't get manipulated by them?" He's always like this, so overprotective of me. 

"I promise" I replied. They can't use my head. But I need to do something as fast as I can to stop this stupid crush on a guy that only sees me as his best friend's little sister.

**The next day**

"No, mint chocolate is the best" Nina and I were both arguing on which ice cream is the best. Mint chocolate or vanilla. 

She's really upset today. We were checking out some guys but I kept telling her they all look nothing like Quincy. I don't, it just kept coming out of my mouth. I can't help it. It's like my body inches to think of someone else. 

So we gave up and decided to get ice cream to calm our nerves. Honestly, when am I gonna get over this crush. "Hey, have you heard from Katie?" She asked.

"I saw her step brother at my house yesterday, but I haven't heard from her" I shrugged. 

Katie is one of us. She's Caleb step sister but I'm guessing they don't get along as siblings. She always say he's not her brother.

"First day of school this semester, tomorrow" she groans. We both are in tenth grade and my brother and his friends are seniors, twelve grade. 

Every first day of school causes a certain feeling of nervousness to everyone one, like it's been long and you just want to fit in well. But all that matters is Quincy will be there tomorrow. I just can't wait for tomorrow 

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