

“Mish,” Ivana called, coming out like a whisper. “My life …has turned into a mess,” She Said as she played with her fingers.

Mish moved closer and stared at her. She was not comprehending what Ivana was saying.

“Why didn't you leave with him? Are you missing him? Wow! My sister is in love, I knew it! I knew that this marriage will work,” Mish said excitedly after staring at Ivana.

Ivana lifted her head and stared at Mish.

“He is the reason my life is a mess.”

“What are you talking about, Ivana? Did he refuse to leave the country with you?” Mish asked.

Ivana sniffled as she stared at her, she cleared her throat and narrated to her what just happened.



“You see, we can't let her know that we have the documents. This document can help her reposes back the company, including your shares,” Mr. Mukhongo advised.

“So what do we do? Tomorrow we are having a board of directors meeting and I know most of them will vote in Ivana's favor, that means she will have the access to everything,” Mrs
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