

‘I am trying to help you, this is the only help that fits your situation right now,’ Mish thought as she stole a glance at Ivana.

Ivana and Charo dropped Mish at her home, then left for the mansion without a word.

‘I wish I didn't leave the room, stupid me,’ Ivana thought.

Charo saw her smirking through the rear mirror.

“Ma'am, is everything okay? You can talk to me,” Charo said.

“Huh?yeah…yeah I am fine just keep driving, I am tired,” Ivana responded.

Mish walked to the sitting room and found her parents having dinner.

“Why the gloomy face, sweetheart, are you okay?” Elizabeth, Mish's mum, asked.

“Yeah I am fine mum,” She replied as she pulled the chair and sat.

“Where have you been?” Mr. Mukhongo, Mish's dad, asked.

“I went to see my cousin Ivana, she was not feeling well, that's why I asked for permission from the human resource,” Mish explained.

“That was so unreasonable for you. How can You leave your work to go check on someone who refused to leave the country with her husband,
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