
Cheek to Cheek

Luca crovetto.

I Stood outside the door of the imperial suite with three of my men, my fist still clenched from the force of my knock, the manager's nervous whisper still lingered in my ear

“she said she's not interested, please forgive her”

He knew better, he had to plead on her behalf

But I wasn't there to make a scene , I was here to get what I want. And what I wanted was that suite. Just a little escape from “ a human tragedy” the daughter of a rival mafia family “ the Barralis”

Our families had a long standing agreement. I was betrothed to her from birth, it was an arrangement that would strengthen our alliance and secure our families power ending the Turf war between the both families.

if I refuse to carry on with the marriage, I definitely facing the wrath of my family and the Barralis.

my father would be furious and I might be cut-off from the family business or even be exiled.

Her Father Don Amario Barralis, is one of the few men that I fear. He treated me like a son and has been my families close ally since I can remember he had aided and supported us during the turf war between the both families and now he believes I owe him a special kind of favor and he expects me to honour our agreement, so i can't refuse. it would be betrayal of my family to refuse Don Amario's request that was the price I had to pay. Nothing is free, everything is transactional. I needed to do what I had to do to protect my empire and secure my place. Hence the “ human tragedy” as I call her.

She was beautiful, yes. But her beauty was only skin deep. I've met her on a few occasions and if I were to describe her, I would say, beauty with a truck load of arrogance,entitlement and she was starting to get clingy a lot.

I just hate the fact that I'm being forced into this marriage and I feel trapped by it.

I had built this empire through blood,sweat and tears and I just didn't want to be tied down by a marriage that would only serve to strengthen my alliance.

Thoughts of it alone infuriates me. I had reserved my favorite suite just to have a lone time because that ‘human tragedy’ wouldn't leave me. She always followed me like a puppy, like she wouldn't breathe if I wasn't near. I needed to think , to come on with ideas and business strategies before I figured what to do with her.

And now, I've been angered and it intensifies as I think of the woman who dared to defy me. “Cécile”, a name that is as insignificant as the woman herself.

The door threw open and I walked into the suite

“Who are you” The woman asked in a firm tone

“ I am Luca and I will get what I want!” I replied back even more firmer, my deep voice has always commanded attention and I was certain it sent shivers down her spine. It would even to anybody.

My eyes locked onto hers with such intensity that usually made people tremble and intimidated. But not this petite woman standing in front of me

She looked back, her gray eyes bore into mine with a bold stare.

"Well Mr Luca, you can't have my suite, I paid for it “ in fullllll” she stretched “ and I'm not leaving”

At this point, Etto my man launched towards her but I signaled him to stay put.

“ oh really” I asked raising my eyebrow

Taking a step closer towards her, my face inches from hers without shifting my gaze.

“Let me properly introduce myself to you, I am Lucas Crovetto, Mafia Lord of the Crovetto empire,everybody knows what I'm capable of, by now you should consider yourself a dead meat, but I'm in a good mood, otherwise, things should be getting a little unpleasant by now”

But this woman, scoffed “ Name doesn't ring a bell and yes am already an accident waiting to happen what would be worse than that. Just find another suite Mr Crovetto ” she said reluctantly still not budging

Etto cleared his throat, breaking the tension. “Boss, maybe we should….

I raised my hand again, silencing him

“Not now Etto” my eyes never left her face.

Her words were supposed to get me angry. But it didn't, rather I was amused by her audacity.

I saw myself actively observing and staring at this petite woman taking note for the first time the shape of her face, oval with high cheek bone, small pointed nose and her thin delicate pink lips all perfectly fitted onto her face.

She was pretty but she wasn't my type of woman but I was impressed by her confidence.

“ You see,I'm not used to people defying me .But you .. I pointed at her “ are very audacious you realize that?” Not really expecting to hear an answer from her I continued this time leaning very close to her with a very menacing tone “ But don't think for a moment that I won't get what I want. I always do”

She clenched her jaw.” I am not afraid of you”

I could sense a little bit of fear behind her eyes even as she said that. She was trying so hard not to show it.

I stared at her for a moment, thinking for a moment what to do with her.

Suddenly, I chuckled and took a step back breaking the gaze

“ very well then, enjoy your stay, I think we would get along fine” I flashed a quick smile and darted out with my men.

I could here Etto heave a heavy breathing, I already knew he wanted to say something

“What is it Etto?” I asked my eyes still fixed on the elevator as it closed

He hesitated, his voice low and menacing “Boss, why didn't you let me take care of her,she disrespected you and she needs to be taught a lesson”

I smiled “ you think she's trouble? She's a little stubborn thing that ain't worth my time or let you waste your strength on Etto, I'm in a good mood today, look around, the human tragedy isn't here. So, lets allow the poor girl enjoy her time” I said patting his back while he nodded.

Etto has been my personal bodyguard since I was little. He followed me everywhere and anywhere and unlike other guards he was the only one allowed to speak. Others just follow instructions and speak when I want them to.

I went back to the reception and ordered another suite. And it was made ready. I am here to enjoy my solo vacation away from my empire and a human tragedy I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

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