
Chapter 3

I stare at him. There is something about this man that attracts me a lot, but it is important to control myself. I cannot think about a stranger about whom I do not know anything.

But there is a magnetic pull between us—a connection that I can't ignore. His eyes seem to see right through me, as if he knows all of my secrets without me even saying a word. I try to push aside the growing attraction, but it's impossible to resist.

I saw there was a fountain of water near the road. It was the courtyard of someone's house and we were passing by there. When I saw the water scattering, I could not stop myself and I started enjoying that fountain. That fountain of water was like rain and I found it very attractive, I started dancing under that water.

I called the stranger towards me with a gesture, and without wasting any time, his steps started moving towards me. Within some time, he was in front of me, and both of us were completely drenched with water. His eyes were fixed on me, and I looked into his eyes, where I saw an unknown emotion.

It was as if a spark had been ignited between us, a connection that I couldn't quite explain. The water from the fountain continued to pour down around us, creating a sense of intimacy in the midst of the storm. I couldn't look away from his piercing gaze, feeling a sense of both vulnerability and excitement in his presence. It was a moment I would never forget, a chance encounter that seemed to hold endless possibilities.

I don't know if it was the effect of alcohol or something else, but for a few moments I forgot all my stress, and the world around me disappeared for me as if it were just us two and no one else.

Our steps automatically started moving towards each other, and there was a time when we were so close to each other that it was difficult for even air to pass through. This stranger was driving me crazy.

His eyes were intense, locking onto mine with a magnetic force that I couldn't resist. I could feel the heat radiating off his body, igniting a fire within me that I had never experienced before. As we stood there, inches apart, the tension between us was palpable, sparking a wave of desire that I couldn't ignore. It was as if the universe had brought us together in that moment, and I couldn't help but wonder what would happen next.

My eyes went towards his pink lips, and he was still staring at me. I was not able to take my eyes off him even if I wanted to. I don't know what magic this stranger had done. His gaze was intense, and I could feel my heart racing in response. The air between us seemed charged with electricity, and I found myself drawn closer to him without even realizing it.

His hand holds my waist and pulls me towards him. I want to stop, but I have no control over my body. His touch sent shivers down my spine, and I felt a rush of adrenaline course through me. As he drew me closer, I could feel the heat of his body against mine, and the intensity of the moment was almost overwhelming. Despite my inner turmoil, I couldn't resist the pull of his gaze and the allure of his presence. In that moment, everything else faded away, and all I could focus on was the captivating stranger in front of me.

And the next moment, our lips were on each other. The world seemed to fade away as we were lost in that kiss, the sensation overwhelming me. His lips were soft and warm against mine, sending a shiver down my spine. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before—a rush of emotions and desires colliding in that one moment. And as we finally pulled away, my heart was racing and my mind was spinning, unsure of what had just happened but wanting more.


Before we could say anything, we heard a whistle blowing. It must have been some security from this place, and we were standing on someone else's property without permission when I saw this man coming towards us.

Without thinking, I held the stranger's hand, and we ran from there. As we sprinted away, my heart raced with adrenaline, and I could feel the stranger's hand tightly gripping mine. We didn't stop running until we were safely out of sight, both of us gasping for breath. Looking back, I realized how foolish we had been to trespass on private property, but in that moment, all I could think about was escaping without getting caught.

I start laughing, and after a moment, he also joins me, and we start laughing.

“I have never had so much fun as today. I never thought that my last evening in Paris was going to be so memorable.”

“I can make your every evening memorable.”

“Well, you have made an evening memorable, and that is enough. Let's go somewhere and enjoy some beer. I am feeling very cold.”

“It was you who said that your drink limit had been reached and you couldn't drink any more.”

“I was just kidding; I saw a bar there.”

I held the stranger's hand, and we started walking towards the bar. As we entered the cozy bar, the warmth enveloped us, and I felt a sense of contentment. We found a table in the corner and ordered our drinks, the stranger's hand still holding mine. The atmosphere was lively, with music playing in the background and people laughing and chatting. I couldn't believe how a chance encounter had led to such a fun and memorable evening in Paris.

You won't believe I didn't think you would be able to handle me. Do you know I don't have a boyfriend because of my childish behavior.

I was drunk, and I didn't know what I was saying to that stranger. Within a few hours, I became comfortable with him.

He was just listening to me and smiling, not taking his eyes off me even for a moment.

YN was busy talking to him continuously, and she didn't realize that some eyes were staring at her with very strange eyes because her clothes were wet, due to which her body curves were clearly visible, and the men present in the bar were staring at her.

Unaware of the people's lustful glances, Eva was busy talking to the stranger, but the stranger had realized that they were looking at Eva, and he quickly took off his coat and put it on Eva.

Eva didn't pay attention to this and was busy drinking.

A man comes towards her and tries to touch her, but before he can touch Eva, the man points a gun at him, which Eva did not see, and the man steps back in fear.

The stranger's eyes were filled with rage, and he would not hesitate to kill anyone who tried to touch the girl he had claimed his.

The man quickly apologized and backed away, realizing he had made a grave mistake. Eva finally looked up from her drink, noticing the tense atmosphere around her. She turned to the stranger,

You kiss really well; please kiss me again.

Before she can say anything further, she faints and falls on the man's shoulder, having taken too much alcohol. The stranger smiles at her.

He lifts up Eva in his arms and exits the pub where his car was already parked; his mans constantly surrounding him without Eva's awareness.


Next morning sunlight falls on Eva ‘s face and she opens her eyes, she wanted to sleep a little more but she had to catch her flight too so she gets up, when she looks around she sees that this room was unfamiliar. , she was not in her hotel room and she realizes where she is and how did she get here? She removes the sheet and sees that she was still in her last night clothes.

“Thankfully I am not naked but what if he made me put on my clothes, did I really sleep with that stranger? I was drunk, but where is that man?”

Her eyes fall on the small table near the bed where a note was kept.

"Sorry, I have to go on some important work, I really enjoyed spending time with you and I hope we meet again. If you are not sore then we didn’t do anything okay, You must have understood by looking at the clothes that you wore, that I didn't take advantage of your drunken state, as I said I wouldn't touch you without your permission, and I'm a man of my word.”

Eva crushes the paper with her hand,

“To meet that liar again? , I should have understood that he was spending time with me by lying to me, and I foolishly fell for his words. I have to leave and anyway I have to go back and find another job.”


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