
Part 2- Chapter 52

Lucien’s pov-

I followed Maria as we made our exit from the toilets, watching as she smoothed her palms the length of her dress consciously. I smirked to myself as I watched the blush creep up her neck and return to her cheeks as her eyes land on Rocco standing to the right of the door. She knew he herd but he said nothing sending her a swift nod and resuming in step beside her.

He was a good choice for her, he was cocky, and no doubt would be able to handle Maria’s smart ass. I sought out the best in order to keep her safe. He has been watching from a distance for weeks, taking in her regulars and routines in order to build a secure plan for her security. He didn’t specialise in security or personal security for that matter, but his experience wasn’t what had brought him to my attention in the first place. It was his skill, he was quick thinking, fast, kill or be killed mentality, he was an ex-marine soldier.

We were risking a lot tonight in


hi guys, how was the chapteR? i wasnt sure if i managed to portray emotions correcty im having a little writers block. Did the chapter bring out any emotions for you? also i know i am evil for that bomb drop... it may sound strange but my charactors are all a part of me, my mind created them so i feel connected to them in a sense so its mad killing them off. but the story must go on. PLEASE VOTE/COMMENT/REVIEW. Thankyou for reading.

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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
When will we be getting a update
goodnovel comment avatar
Carolina Nuñez
ohhh nooo Lorenzo :(
goodnovel comment avatar
Selene Castillo
your update sucks! i've been reading this book for a few months already because of your slow update it is becoming sooooo boring!

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