


I left my brother's restaurant in anger before heading to my office. How could he step in my way just like that? He had never spoken to me in that manner before and yet he went crazy just because I broke a plate and wanted to teach Savannah a lesson.

He embarrassed me in front of Savannah herself, in front of her mother, and even in a crowd. If we were lucky enough, nobody in that restaurant would have caught it on camera. That bastard! Was there something going on between him and Savannah?

Were they more than employee and employer? Did Savannah go after him because she knew that he was my brother and wanted to hurt him? That whore must want to get married to a rich man at all costs. I won't let her ruin the relationship I have with my brother and neither will I let her take everything from this family through him.

I needed to act fast now. "Mr Carson" I immediately looked up at my secretary with a frown. "Why would you come into my office without knocking? Is everything okay?" I yelled in anger

He immediately lowered his head, "I am sorry Mr Carson, it will never happen again sir, please pardon me just this once" He pleaded

"Fine, why are you here? I do not have the strength to work today so if it's about work, let it be tomorrow and leave" I told him

"Understood sir but this isn't about work"

"What is it?" I asked immediately, I was bothered and praying it had nothing to do with the business suffering any form of loss. I am already so pissed, I don't need more to my issues.

"A man came looking for you, he said you would want to see him sir" As soon as my secretary said this, my head moved to the agent I hired a few weeks ago when Savannah came to interview at my company. I had so many things I was curious about and so I decided to find her.

"Let him in now and leave" My secretary knew better than to argue with me about any issues so he immediately left my office. I arranged myself and then a few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"Come on" I instructed and a man walked into the office dressed like an assassin. He had on black pants, a black shirt, and black boots. Was this the best way to dress up while coming to a company? Won't he be found out?


"Why the flying fuck are you dressed like a man sent to end someone?" I asked in anger.

"Sorry boss" I frowned and then beckoned for him to sit down. "What news do you have for me? Because you are not supposed to come to my company" I started

"I found out a lot over the months but there is something I found out recently that made me come over here," The man said and it sparked my interest.

"What? Tell me everything you found out now"

"I found out that your ex-wife Savannah has been visiting the hospital a lot since the day you asked me to follow her. She has also been going to a school."

Savannah visits a hospital and a school. "She is so desperate for money so she probably goes there to work as a maid" Levi chuckled

"I thought she was working there at first and so one day I visited the school earlier to find out what was going on. I saw her dropping off a child at school" He said

Immediately I sat up straight, "Savannah has a child? she is married?" I asked him. Why then was she trying to play my brother? Why was my brother fighting for her if they weren't dating?

"I have never seen a man with her Mr Carson, I thought she might be babysitting the young girl but then they started going home together. I later found out that the little girl is her daughter"

"Her daughter?" I asked

"Yes, sir" The man immediately brought out all the different pictures either taken of Savannah and the young girl and also pictures of the child alone.

I took the pictures from him and began to go through them one by one while he kept talking. "I don't know why she goes to the hospital because I have not been able to find someone there"

"That's alright, keep watching her every move and report to me. Leave the pictures with me and go back to work" I ordered him

"Yes sir," He said and then left the office quietly. Once I was alone in the office, I went through the pictures over and over again. The young girl had Savannah's eyes so surely it was her daughter.

But why did the girl also look so much like me? I forgot to ask the agent her age but she was looking like a child between four to six. Savannah and I broke up five years ago. Could she have been pregnant when I left her?

Could she have known about the child all along and just let me leave because she didn't want me to be in the child's life? What was on Savannah's mind? I slammed my fists on the table and then got up angrily.

I wasn't sure if she was my daughter but after a DNA test, I would know for now. Now all I need is to find Savannah and ask her about this. I would not let her go Scott free. If it means going to court with this issue, I would take my daughter away from her forever.

I picked up my car keys and then told my secretary to tell anybody who wanted to see me that I was out for an emergency meeting. My secretary offered to go with me but I refused and then told him to deal with the important issues at hand.

Until I was sure that the child in the picture was my child, I would not create such a big scene.

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