
Chapter 93

Lucy's pov;

At the hospital, they didn't allow me since it was past visiting hours. When I tried to leave, "Lucy! Lucy!" Daniel called out to me as I made my way to the entrance. I turned around just as he came out of the stairwell door.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came to see Tyler." I answered.

"You could have talked on the phone or something. Why bother coming all the way here?" he said.

"Yeah but I want to meet him in person."

"Why? What kind of questions do you have for him now?"

"Did he say?"

he shook his head and said, "Nope! I eavesdropped a little."

I rolled my eyes and asked, "Tyler… Is he awake?"

"Yeah," he sighed and said, "he's been talking about you all day."

"About me, Why?"

"Because of the question you raised against him. I don't get why you asked him such a question anyway! You know that he likes you, right? Then why did you ask him that?"

"Well, yeah, but he keeps saying that he likes me because of my honesty which I'm not. If he likes me
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