
Chapter 94

Lucy's pov;

Matt took me to the hospital where Tyler is recovering from his leg injury. He said, "Tell him the truth." and left me in the lobby by myself.

I climbed the stairs and came to the cooridor where his room is. As i took every steps towards Tyler's room, my heart felt like it was going to explode in my chest. When i finally reached the door of the room, i knocked twice on the door. Tyler didn't respond, so i let myself inside the room, which smelled like hospital chemicals. Tyler has a cast that covers part of his left foot.

"Lucy!" his face brightenes up when he saw me, but then his eyes went back to the pain as the doctor told him he has to keep his foot elevated for 2 days. The doctor said it will make his recovery easier, because there was no pressure to move his foot around. I sat down next to him and put my hand through his arm.

Tyler grabbed my hand with his right hand and squeezed it hard. He looked at me and his face softened. "What are you doing here? You sh
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