
Chapter 40

Steward’s expression darkened. “Ms. Jane, I’m sure you know exactly why Mr. Gerald canceled the engagement. If you continue to cause a scene, I’ll have to call the Lane family!”

Jane stiffened. She became agitated when provoked by Steward’s threat. She raised her hand abruptly. “Shut up! Ah!”

North quickly walked downstairs, grabbed Jane’s hand, and twisted it hard.

Jane screamed in pain. “Let go, b*tch! Don’t you have any manners?!”

North sneered. “I was wondering who was causing a scene. Turns out it’s you, Ms. Jane. Is wailing, causing a scene, and hitting people considered polite in the Lane family?”

Both Gerald and Steward said that the engagement was canceled because of what Jane did.

Jane’s expression had also revealed her guilty conscience.

Since the engagement was called off due to her actions, she had no right to blame Gerald for it or even call North a mistress!

Jane became even more furious. She rapidly grabbed the hot tea beside her and wanted to pour it over Nort
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