
chapter seven


“Prepare everything for Jackson to become the manager immediately. He’s done his part so I think I should do mine.” I broke the silence and told Derek, and I could see the surprise look on his face as I uttered this,

“Are you really going to give him this? You know what his plans are and most importantly, you know what he did to Aurora just to get what he wanted.”

“I know, Derek, and that is why he needs to be in that position. Most importantly I can’t go back on my words. That isn’t who I am. Whatever Jackson did to fulfill the condition is none of my business.” I said that, but did I really mean it? Deep down, I cared so much about what he did, but I didn’t want to admit it yet, even to myself. My thoughts suddenly drifted to those videos online and then I was about to say something before I heard Derek’s voice,

“A message just came in and they found who uploaded those videos online.” Derek uttered,

“Who?” I responded almost immediately,

“A Miss Amelia Moore…” He paused for a second, and then I arched my brows,

“She’s a popular model actress with millions of followers, and she’s also Clara’s best friend.” It was at this point I scoffed out loud and then averted my gaze to my phone. And so they think they can step all over my mate anyhow and so scot free? I questioned myself,

“Take care of this and make sure this Amelia never gets the chance to ever become popular again. People like this have no idea what to use fame to do.” I instructed Derek who nodded his head in response, and increased the speed. The only person on my mind at the moment was Aurora and I prayed deeply that she wouldn’t have seen this videos.

I received a call and instantly answered it,


“No time for long talks Damon. I sent you an email, and I would like for those videos to be taken down as soon as possible. Give it the fastest that you can because it’s that Important.” I said, and once I got a response, the call ended.

“I could have passed the message.” Derek broke the silence,

“No. You had something else to do. Let’s go see how she’s doing… my mate.” I uttered, and Derek nodded his head before turning the car to another direction. Good thing was I knew where she lived. The car halted right in front of an apartment and I stepped out of the car immediately.

“I’ll go check if she’s in.” Derek said, but I stopped him,

“no. I’m going to go myself and check up on her.”

I was about to take a step forward when a young dark-haired lady rushed out of the room with a sweaty look”

Immediately she saw me, she halted at a spot and began to stare at me. I could see the shocked expression on her face,

“MR. Ethan, good afternoon”

“Hello. Ms. HeatherJames. You’re Aurora’s best friend or closest friend if I may ask?”

She nodded her head and with that I began to take steps toward her until I was just three steps away from her,

“Is she in? I want to have a word with her.” I could see the tense look on her face so I said, “You don’t have to be afraid of me, I’m not going to bite you or anything.” I watched her chuckle when I said this, and it meant she had become more comfortable,

“It’s just so surprising that Mr. Ethan Thompson would one day be standing right in front of me, and I would be speaking with him in person. I still find it so hard to believe.”

“Well maybe it’s time you believe it cause its real. What about Aurora? I need to speak with her.” I said and I watched her gasp as she slapped her second hand,

“At work, I need to go look for her right now before she finds out about the…”

“Video?” I completed, and she gasped,

“How did you know? You saw it too? Damn, how could she take the risk and do something so stupid? I really can’t believe this right now.”

“Let’s go look for her right now. You need to come because you might be able to convince her. Come on.” I uttered and began to head towards the car,

About one hour later, Derek halted the car and I stepped out the moment I saw Aurora running out of the company with her hands gripping so hard on her clothes. I instantly rushed towards her and pulled her to my body. It was only then I realized that a part of her cloth had been ripped apart. She cried in my arms, and I rubbed her hair,

“hey, hey, are you alright, what happened?”

Heatherstepped out immediately and rushed towards us, “Hey Aurora, what happened? Who did this to you?”

I still didn’t let go of her, but deep down, I prayed that this wouldn’t be a who because I would rip that person into tiny bits and still not get satisfied.

In a shaky and frightened voice, she uttered,

“Mr. Mason…. He… he… he tried to touch me”

It was at this moment that I lost it completely.

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