

Ariel smiled as she looked around. After reassuring no one was around and she wasn’t noticed, she peeped through the door hole.

She smirked when she noticed the silhouette of a man laying on the bed. She slipped in softly so that she couldn’t be heard.

It was good it was dark but she tried not to make any noise as she tiptoed to the bed.

She cupped her own breast in pleasure when she saw Jax on the bed. He looked as though he was fast asleep. He wasn’t wearing any clothes on his upper part but he wore shorts on his man.

Her eyes trailed down his person and for the first time in her life, Ariel was glad she was born a wolf. She could see his whole body fair enough. She fixed her eyes on his shorts and noticed the way, his d*ck was bulging out of the pants…

So much she would do to have it inside of her. Her hands unconsciously touched her own pussy and she recovered, shaking the thoughts out of her head.

Tonight, that was not what she was here for. But the thoughts just wouldn’t go away.
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