
 Chapter 5.


I tiptoe down the stairs making sure mom doesn't hear me leave my room.

I intentionally woke up way earlier so I can leave the house without her seeing me. I don't want to have another conversation with her.

I'm half way through the door when the lights turn on and I freeze.

“You're up early, leaving so soon without me?” she asks.

My shoulders fall as I turn around towards the direction of her voice but her appearance throws me off.

I stand in horror looking at the clothes she has on.

“Mom, what are you wearing?” I ask, pinching my nose in order to prevent myself from having a seizure.

Who is she going to see dressed like this?

The green V neck halter top she has on showed a concerning amount of her breasts and the fact that she's wearing my old mini skirt from highschool really isn't helping.

“Is that anyway to greet your mother?”

“Mom, why are you dressed like this?” I ask, fully tired.

“To drop you off at school silly, I can't let my sweet daughter walk all the way there” She says matter of factly.

“Did you just say school, dressed like this?” I gasp in horror.

“And what's wrong with that?” She counters, tilting her head.

“You know what, nothing, let's just go” I reply not wanting to continue the conversation.

As we head for the car I catch the neighbors stare at my mom in utter shock.

I shiver as I close the door.

“Mom, maybe you should reconsider what you're wearing,” I tell her.

She ignores my statement and walks into her car wearing a black pair of Jimmy Choos I didn't even know she had.

The ride to school was painfully quiet and I silently prayed no one would recognize us on our way there.

As soon as I see the college building from the passenger seat I begin to check if anyone's already there.

No one is there, no one except professor Caden.

My face begins to heat up and I panic.

“Look who we have here” mom purred.

Oh God this can't be happening.

I jump out of the car as soon as she parks in the parking lot but I lose balance and fall on my butt with my books scattering all over the place.

My mom comes out of the car and bends over trying to help me pick up my books.

“Why are you so clumsy?” She scolds in a whisper

“Quick, check if he's checking me out” she says

I turn around and catch professor Caden looking at us in a concerned manner.

My blood immediately runs cold.

I pack up my books and yank the ones mom is holding out of her hands and run into the building covering my face with a notebook.

“Sweetie, where are you going?” She calls after me in a fake small voice.

When will the mortification end?!

I run into the bathroom and hide myself in the stalls and scream into my bag as the scene plays in my head over and over again.

I can't believe he saw me make a fool of myself. I can't believe he saw my mom make a fool of herself!

I wait in the bathroom, not bothering to come out for the first period since he'll be the one lecturing for our first class.

I won't be able to look him in the eye.

He probably thinks I'm a weirdo.

I shiver at the thought as I squeeze my bag tighter.

I hate it here.

Two weeks have passed since the last unfortunate incident and I've been able to avoid professor Caden by staying low. But somehow my mom has been able to make these two weeks the most embarrassing moments of my life.

Today isn't any different apparently.

I stand at the building exit watching my mom rub professor Caden's arm as she leans in showing her breasts in the dress that did nothing to help the situation.

She laughs and continues to throw herself at him and soon people begin to notice.

“Isn't that Ivy's mom?” I hear someone asks.

“Oh my goodness it's that whore again”

“What is she wearing?”

“Hey Ivy, isn't that your mom?” Someone calls out and I freeze as I clutch the handle of my bag not knowing whether to run and hide or pretend like I didn't hear them.

“Oh hey sweetie!” Mom calls out once she sees me as she waves her arms at me.

“Hey sweetie” a mocking voice repeats after her from behind me and there's an immediate burst of laughter.

“The apple doesn't fall far from the tree now does it?” Someone says.

Professor Caden turns and we both lock eyes and I immediately adjust my hoodie and speed walk towards the college exit, totally ignoring her.

“Hey sweetie where are you going, the car’s over here” she calls out but I keep walking not looking back.

I've had enough of this.

I'm only a block or two away from campus when mom swerves her car around me blocking my path.

“Get in the car,” she says.


“Young lady I'm not asking, I said get in the car”

“And I said no!”

“Get in the fucking car Ivy!”

“Fuck you, I don't want to get in your stupid car. You've embarrassed me enough so just leave me alone”

A few strangers begin to come out of their houses to see what the commotion is about and mom begins to get visibly uncomfortable with their stares.

She's not one that likes to be seen in a bad light or any kind of situation that she feels will ruin her reputation.

I take this as my cue and I walk home literally stomping my feet in rage.

By the time I get home mom is already there.

She sits at the dining table sipping what looks like margarita.

I start to climb the stairs to go to my room pretending like I didn't just see her.

“You're really out to ruin my life aren't you?” She says.

I ignore her and continue to take another step.

“I'm talking to you,” she says.

“I'm not ruining your life, that's your job” I counter.

She hits the empty glass on the table after taking a generous swig.

“You know what, I should have known that you'll turn your back on me just like your father, that selfish little bastard”

“No you're the selfish one” I retort.

The spark of anger I felt in school is nothing compared to the flame of rage that erupts in me the moment she involved dad into this.

“I can't believe you're my mother, you keep acting like I'm the least important thing in your life!”

“That's because you keep acting like what I do isn't good enough for you!”

I have no idea when I get down the stairs till I'm a few inches away from her.

“Good enough? What have you ever done for me? I've never asked you for anything”

She laughs, throwing her hands up.

“Oh please spare me the blame game would ya, if it weren't for me we would be broke”

“How? Dad left enough money for the both of us! You have no reason to dress like this just so you can get a rich man”

“Yes I do, because we have no money okay, I spent it all!”

I go completely mute not knowing what to say next.

Her expression softens as she takes my hand caressing it.

“That's why I need you to help me get this man to like me, he's rich, he can take care of us”

“No!” I spit in horror, retracting my hand.

My vision gets cloudy and I feel empty as my anger depletes.

“What I need you to do is be my mom and stop all this. Please”

Her demeanor changes as her fists ball up.

“I am being your mother, when will you act like my daughter and help me pursue my happiness, don't you care about that?!” She spits “I'm trying to look out for the both of us and this is the thanks I get?!”

“You're not doing anything for me, you're doing this for yourself”

Tears begin to pour out in millions and I can't stand the sight of her.

“You can do whatever you want but don't ever say you are doing it for me”

“I should have never had you!” She spits

“I know I wish so too” I reply and something about her expression shifts and she stomps away from me into her room.

Mom and I haven't spoken to each other since our last fight. She barely comes to my school too but when she does she doesn't miss her chance to throw herself at professor Caden.

I just wish she'd stop, I'd be lying if I said it isn't hurting me to see her do this.

I close the textbook I'm reading as my mind becomes clouded with thoughts of my mother and Caden in bed.

I shake my head and drop the book exiting the library.

I should probably just go home, I'm beginning to feel sick anyway.

But just as I'm about to step out of the building I spot professor Caden.

And my mom.

She throws her arms around him.

“Oh Caden darling we should go out sometime, I promise you'll enjoy my company” she purrs.

My heart breaks at the sight and I'm about to walk away when he grabs her arms, pulling them away from him then drops them to her sides.

“Mrs Carter” he starts and my heart beat rages as I silently pray he doesn't agree to go out with her.

Please say no, please say no, please say no, please say no.

“I respect you as a woman” continues “And I believe you are a woman of caliber but your behavior is utterly repulsing”

My mouth drops at his statement.

I've never seen any man reject my mom, it's usually the other way around.

The gods have not forsaken me!

“I really do not wish to go out with you, especially since you're my student's mother. Do have a nice day though” he says and walks away leaving her frozen in shock.

I watch him get into his car and drive off.

“What?” I hear her whisper.

I duck and hide between the doors so she won't see me once she goes to her car.

Once I'm sure the coast is clear I exit the door but someone yanks me hard and then I feel a swift kick on my side and I fall to the ground.

“You came to spy on my man didn't you?”

I'm in too much pain to even reply and I hold on to my side.

Freya has her feet centimeters away from my face with a smug look on her face.

I close my eyes already bracing myself for the impact when I hear her yelp in shock.

I open my eyes and find professor Caden gripping her shoulder, giving her the meanest stare I've ever seen, even she's shaking from it.

“M-mr Caden” mutters Aria.

“What were you two planning on doing?” he asks coldly, not letting go.

“Nothing, we were just helping her up-”

“You do know assaulting a student is a punishable offense here right?”

“It's not what you think-”

He finally lets go of Freya who takes off immediately.

This is the first time I've ever seen them scared.

Aria is about to take off too but not before he stops her.

“I don't want to catch you doing this again because of I do you'll be dealt with by the school authority”

She blinks a few times before running away.

I lay there watching this all unfold in shock.

He holds out his hand and I take it, allowing him to help me stand up.

“Th-thank you”

“You shouldn't let anyone bully you, always stand up for yourself even if it means getting violent” he says then walks away.

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