
Chapter 6.



I lay in bed allowing my mind to replay the thought of professor Caden saving me. With each thought my heart skips a beat and I hug my pillow.

“He saved me” I smile “He touched my hand too”

Just like the way he saved me in that forest.

Maybe he's my guardian angel or maybe my knight in shining armor.

I squeal into my pillow.

I should thank him.

I bite my lips once I realize he'll probably be really busy.

The only place to fully have his attention is his office.

My face heats up at the thought of being in an enclosed room with him.

I shake my head in an attempt to eradicate the nasty thoughts that start to creep into my head.

But I can't help myself.

My mind drifts off to his eyes, his lips, his firm strong hands that I'm suddenly beginning to crave for. To touch me again and wrap around my body.

My knees go weak as a shiver goes down my core as more thoughts come rushing in.

The wetness of my panties becomes palpable as I squeeze my legs together.

A soft sigh escapes my lips and slap my lips shut just as fast as it gets out.

What am I doing?!

I look at my room door grateful that it's closed shut.

A wave of embarrassment hits me as I realize what I just did.

My alarm suddenly goes off and I finally peel myself out of bed and head to the shower.

“Get a grip of yourself Ivy, you're just going to go to his office to say thank you and that's it” I mumble to myself as I dry off my hair

Yeah that's it, it shouldn't be so hard.

I get dressed and head downstairs for breakfast.

I find a heel at the bottom of the stairs and trace it to another pair that lies next to mom who's fast asleep on the couch.

She still has her dress and makeup on that's probably from one of  her dates last night.

I sigh feeling a small pinch in my chest seeing her like this.

I should be happy that she's not going to embarrass me today or hit on Caden but I guess I feel otherwise.

Deep down I just want her to be happy.

Somehow I seem to have lost my appetite and I leave the house, closing the door as quietly as I can.

The walk to school seems more peaceful than usual, the soft wind blowing through my hair as I listen to the orchestra blaring through my headphones.

I let my hair down today and allowed it to cascade down my back as the wind directed a few strands to tickle my cheeks from time to time.

I reach the school building and find professor Caden getting out of his car.

My heart begins to beat faster and I exhale in an attempt to calm myself down.

I try to call out to him but I suddenly lose my voice and watch him walk into the building.

“Just breathe” I mutter and trail after him

He gets into his office and I  quickly walk behind fast enough to prevent the door from closing with my leg.

I open the door and find a puzzled face professor staring at me with a tilted head.


“Um h-hi, professor Caden, I'd like to speak with you”

He drops his suit blazer on his desk and makes some space enough for him to sit on the edge of the table.

“Go on, you can come in”

I walk in not knowing how I'm supposed to put the words I'm about to say in proper grammar.

“I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday. For saving me”

Wow, that came out better than I thought.

He flashes the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen at me.

“You don't have to thank me, I was only doing the right thing”

“Just like the way you did in the forest” I mutter still utterly mesmerized by him

“Sorry what?”

“You know” I say “The forest where we first met, where you first saved me”

He furrows his brows and chuckles a bit

“I'm sorry but you've got the wrong guy, I have no idea what you're talking about”

“B-but it was you, you saved me”

He gets up and pats my head lightly and I swear I can feel the faintest form of electricity from his touch.

“You probably hit your head a bit too hard yesterday, don't worry your mind about things that are only figments of your imagination”

Now it's my turn to look at him in puzzlement.

“But it was you, I know you recognize me, especially since you sav-”

“Miss Carter I think you're thinking too much into this” he says cutting me off “I only did what I did yesterday because you are my student and because it is my job to protect my students and not because of any other reason”

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

What does one say in these types of situations anyway?

He checks his watch.

“Lectures will commence in a few minutes, I suggest you get settled. I'll see you in class” he says gesturing at the door.

I nod slowly and head towards the door. I hold the door knob and look back at him. He's already behind his desk immersing himself in paperwork.

I twist the knob and find myself outside the office closing the door behind me feeling somewhat defeated and confused.

I inhale slowly and head to class, I'm about to step in when Aria blocks my path with Freya behind her.

Oh come on don't you ever take a break?!

“Well if it isn't the shameless slut herself” snickers Freya

“We saw you come out of my man's office you little whore, you were trying to seduce him weren't you just like you mom did and got kicked out” she laughs.

“That isn't what happened!” I defend myself.

“Of Course it is! You just can't miss the chance to sleep with him but he knows better than to touch a filthy whore”

“You're so quick to call me a whore when you're the one letting all these football players fuck you for popularity sake” I spit

Freya gasps in shock

“How dare you?!” Aria screeches and her hand levitates in the air ready to land on me.

I brace myself for a fight but someone catches her arm by the wrist and I immediately look up at the towering frame behind me.

Professor Caden!

“Aria this is the second time I'm catching you bully a student” he says “I might just have to report you to the school authorities

She opens her mouth but says nothing.

“Let me guess, it's not what it looks like,” he says before letting go of her hand.

He takes my hand and leads me into class and to a chair that's right opposite the board.

“Sit there where I can watch you” he says

I sit without question, my brain still trying to grasp the fact that he held my hand.

Aria stomps away from the door furiously and Freya runs after her with a distressed look on her face.

Soon enough there's an influx of students coming into the hall.

They all take their seats and he goes over to the board and writes something down.

“Alright class” is the last thing my mind hears until my mind drowns in his eyes.

He saved me. Again.

He can deny it as much as he wants but I know he's the man from my dreams and there's no doubt about that.

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